Monday, June 28, 2010

"The Hottest Number In Town" I Guess?

It's always fun to go to my Dad's work, not only does the company provide free coffee and hot drinks for its workers(which means I get a chai every time I go) it also has a wide variety of employees. Including the office - people who deal with phone calls, customers, and get to stay in the air-conditioned space all day long while my Dad and the other technitions work on the boilers. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my Dad is a furnace tech and also fixes air-conditioners. We went back to visit the office to get my Dad's check because he is on vacation and that means that I had to encounter all of the co-workers. It's kind of like going to a family reuinion and distant relatives that you never see come up to you and tell you how they haven't seen you in so long and how much you've grown, only you don't feel so bad for not remembering them because you're not in any way related to them. The first person my Dad and I saw was a guy that acts and almost looks like David Spade, only with brown hair. Our first, "Hi "M", how are you?", and then he made fun of my Dad because he's just a happy-go-lucky guy who really has nothing to be made fun of, except for maybe his 70's style transition glasses. Next we traveled outside, and back into the humid summer of Western Massachusetts. Some of my Dad's buddies were outside working in their vans, so we decided to take a trip down the road to say hello. Right off the bat they all said "Wow you're getting so big, why is your dad driving?". They were all shocked to hear that I don't have my drivers liscence, but really it isn't that surprising. Then, while still sitting in the car I looked to the right and stared at these weird statue things that are on the top of the main building. One is a cave man and the other is a demon-like creature whose eyes light up at night, which makes it even the more creepy. Then I tuned back into the conversation that my Dad was partaking in with his friends at work. It was pretty boring so again, I tuned back out. All in all the trip to, "the shop" as my Dad calls it, was as usual - entertaining and a bright spot in the day.

That is all. Sorry not much today. But it is summer!!!!
