Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Dentist

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live next door to a dentist's office. No one likes going to the dentist, that I know anyway, so I think it would be interesting to watch out a window. While at the dentist today, looking out the window, I thought of the nursing home that I could see just next door. I thought that the elderly people living there might have a time of day, or day of week that they have come to notice gets really busy at the dentist, and they pull a chair up to their window to sneak a peak of what pain the person in the chair might be going through. Now that I think of it, most of the windows in the nursing home had the blinds open, so maybe they do watch. I can immagine them popping pop corn and, some of them, taking their denchers out to eat it, all the while keeping a close eye on the action at the dentist. Kind of like the fish in the movie Finding Nemo, the old people would watch at the window, hoping to see a kid, like me, given the news that they have to have their wisdom teeth out. They see the expression on the child's face and remember why they are thankful all of their teeth fell out already. I live on a busy street, and nothing ever happens, all that does is the occasional kid on an electric scooter that beeps so loud, that you have time to run inside and turn on music, before they pass by your house. When college is over and I buy an apartment in the city, I will make sure there is something interesting outside my window, that way I can pull a chair up to my window with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the free entertainment, I won't even have to buy a t.v.! Well, maybe I won't have to buy a t.v.