Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Fever, or Rather Sumer Fever.

It's that time of year at school again; everyone is anxious and ready to leave school behind for the summer. The only problem is, we're all sneezing, coughing, and too busy with our runny noses to even notice how fast the days are actually passing by. It's that time at school where our immune systems fail us, due to the lack of sleep going on because of all the homework that's being assigned. Also, something that has been looming around every sophomore student and teacher's head all year is a little thing called MCAS. Oh yes, it's back! That exclamation point was in no way meant to express excitement. MCAS - round two - math.

It's the last thing any teenager wants to do when summer is quickly approaching. It's like we, the sophomore class, are daydreaming out the window at the beautiful blue sky just waiting to be free, when all of a sudden MCAS walks over, clamps the window shut and expects us to answer seven billion questions in two days. This is the last year I will ever have to take MCAS, and I can't tell you how amazing that is. Sophomore year at my school is a huge testing year; midterms, finals, and english, and math MCAS. I can't imagine the feeling putting my pencil down, hands about to fall off, almost to the point where I think I have carpal tunnel, and never having to take the MCAS again. It's going to be great!

Right now, though it's crunch time. Our math teachers are going over absolutely everything in the curriculum, and assigning more homework than ever before. And let's not forget finals, still swirling around in people's minds - the preparation for that has also begun taking place. Sleep is rare, and the work load is heavy, but that's all apart of being a student, and a successful one at that. Eventually we'll make up the hours of sleep lost on chemistry lab reports, research papers, etc., and the overall experience of school will make us feel accomplished. Until then, our lives will be spent with a lack of sleep, too much homework, eating Ramen Noodles, and sinus colds when the seasons change. It's a part of life. But every once in a while, we should always look out the window, before MCAS or anything else can wrap it's fingers around the handle and close it.

That is all.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Code Red

There's a little problem us girls run into once in a while, well, actually once a month. If by now you don't know what I'm talking about please just think, I'll give you a second. If you don't understand by now, don't even bother continuing to read this post. This is a post about my friend who experienced a time when she wasn't prepared for code red.

My friend and I decided a few weeks ago, to go out to lunch. The sad thing is that while we were trying to be more mature, our parents still had to drive us to the restaurant . We were enjoying our lunch, when my friend told me she had to use the restroom; the look on her face when she came back was anything but happy. She explained the situation, so we ventured out to find pads, tampons, anything.

The tricky part was that neither one of us expected to be walking far distances, so our footwear was not appropriate to be trekking around in. My friend in heels, and myself in ballet flats went off to a sporting goods store, hoping to find a female associate to help solve my friend's problem. Of course, just our luck, there were no women working at the store, so we had to resort to asking a guy. Luckily the worker my friend found was nice enough and felt bad about the situation, but unfortunately for us the store did not carry what we were looking for. The only place closest, was the grocery store across the street. So again we were off - hey, you have to do what you have to do.

We crossed the main street and basically ran for the grocery store, sand flicking up into both of our shoes. Rushing through the store like maniacs, we finally found what we were looking for, and my friend took off to the bathroom. I decided that if I ran too, that I would have blisters on top of my blisters, so I nonchalantly fast-walked behind her. Finally, everything was okay, and we headed back to the restaurant, I think they got sick of us coming in and out so often, but oh well. Mind you, our parents, if they knew about this little adventure would never let us go to a restaurant by ourselves again. So this is our little secret. But what an adventure! It's definitely something that doesn't happen every day, that's for sure.

That is all.
