Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When the Most Hated Subject Is On Its Way to Becoming the Best Part of My Day

What do you think about when you hear "History Class"? I think of sitting in a room for way too long, listening to a lecture that has gone too far into detail. I also think of a teacher who is so old that they could be one of the people in the books the school gives us to read. But having a goofy, slightly off his rocker, old teacher isn't, I have found out, always a bad thing.

My class this year has been filled with crazy things that just brighten up my day. For example the other day our teacher just randomly started screaming, which jump started our heartbeats and anyone else in the two classes beside ours could hear the man. Then yesterday we had yet another reenactment only this time I was a runaway slave. Three guys were called to the front of the room as well as I and I was given a stuffed animal moose, which was the same one that was thrown around the room in the first blog post. The moose I was told was my baby and I had to run away from the slave catchers. When our teacher said go I walked to the end of the room carrying my 'baby' that looked nothing like me whatsoever, trying to escape the ever so scary ninth grade boys. It was great none of us or the class could keep a straight face. Today the antics continued. There is a kid in my class who normally just goes by his nickname which is A.O. - his initials - very original I know. Our history teacher found out about the kid's nickname and started using it. Another kid in our class yelled out "So what are we going to call you Bob?" Bob is our history teacher's name. Then someone else said "I know we can call you B.O.!" This was a brilliant idea I think and the class showed their approval with their laughter. I could not stop laughing at this even when the class stopped, which was a little embarrassing so I ceased my laughter. The class I used to hate is slowly becoming my favorite part of the day, who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Changing the subject to walking. As you know my friends and I are speed walkers. At school we are like those people who walk around the mall numerous times for their workout otherwise known as "Mall walkers" usually middle-aged women and sometimes even older. "B" and I walk around our school which is shaped like an "H" every morning waiting for the homeroom bell to ring. I swear by the end of this year we will have walked at least 100 miles, well maybe not that much but still. This becomes a problem when freshmen boys block the hallway. Their usual standing spots are in front of my or "B"'s locker or in front of the double doors of the hallway. I am the more shy person and "B" is a lot more forceful than I will ever be. So they usually get yelled at or hit with the door and we manage to get through. I wouldn't be too surprised if we have a name with the guys like "The walkers" or something of that nature. But I love to walk and it is a good way to wake up your brain in the morning if your not so overly tired that you fall over into a door or nearby locker, which has happened to a friend of mine.


That is all


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