Wednesday, May 19, 2010

For All of Those Who Have Doubted It Before, Big Brother Is Definitely Watching You Now

It's a novel about a crazy, uncontrolled yet somehow freakishly controlled community and how one citizen hopes to rebel against their authority figure, otherwise known as Big Brother, a telescreen located everywhere in the community, controlling everything and every person living within its boundaries. 1984, by George Orwell was the first book we read this year and it was a really amazing book. Most of our class was into the book, interested, and biting at the bit to read the next chapter, or at least I was. There is a saying in this book and it goes like this "Big Brother is watching you." referring to the screen watching all of the people and their actions; creepy yes, but it's only a book, until today when I walked into English class. Spray painted and slightly crooked was a picture of Tom Selleck and the print under him read 'Big Brother is watching you' in big bold block letters on the left side of the back wall which is facing the whole room but mostly the row that I am near. The picture is black with white accents and it looks a little creepy to a person who hasn't read the book. All I have to say is wow, and what will the incoming ninth grade think when they walk into Mr. G.'s room next year?

There probably would have been a scene dedicated to Romeo and Juliet in the place where Big Brother is painted if the Shakespearean play was not so violent, and inappropriate as our class has discovered. There are the few characters in it like the nurse who just have a lot to say and most of it doesn't turn out so proper.

It is true I am not that loud. While in school, what I think to be talking really loud is so quiet I normally have to repeat it to others. Outside of school however my friends can't get me to, for lack of better terms, shut up. This shyness is portrayed by many guys in my class because they, like any other male teen, don't want to read a love story like Romeo and Juliet. So, a guy came across a line in which he had to scream JULIET! But did he do it? No, obviously he said it flatly, "juliet". Focusing on emphasis our teacher told him to read it something like, "JULIEEEEEEEETT" and he yelled so loud that our crazy, slightly off his rocker history teacher came in the room just to make sure things were okay. I swear anyone walking by the classroom or in the classroom above us could hear our teacher. It was very bizarre because our English teacher never yells. Anyone who was sleeping in our class or the class next to us was awake after that.

That is all


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