Thursday, April 14, 2011

No, that extremely bright flash does not help my headache at all

Tonight I attended my school's version of American Idol. I was really looking forward to it for two reasons - one, it gave me a break from chemistry homework when I thought my brain would explode, and two I wanted see how talented people at my school are when it comes to singing.

When the doors of the auditorium finally opened, my friend and I found seats that we thought were good, turns out we were wrong. It never fails; it's always either I get someone who is tall to sit in front of me, because I'm short, or the people in back of you are annoying. Tonight I encountered the 'I'm a parent and I need to take ten billion pictures of my kid' situation. I can not tell you how much of a headache I have even now, an hour after the show, from that mom's camera. The flashes shot across the room and bounced back and hit me in the eye, with every flash, I could feel a migraine coming on. When her kid was up, every twenty seconds there was a flash, but at least there was a warning - the red light some cameras make before the flash erupts from it. Every pose, and every move the kid made on stage, flash goes the camera. Lady, I know that you are proud of your kid for singing a song on stage, but seriously, documenting it that much is a tad on the ridiculous side.

Most performances were great, some were very shocking. One kid, I'm assuming, thought the song he was singing would sound much better if he screamed it. Again, adding to my headache. The majority of the people performing did really really well, some had me singing along too. At the end, after all of the performances, a video of the auditions was shown. I was surprised that our school had the technology to show a video on such a large screen, with the internet unreliable and the network frequently crashing at school, this was shocking.

Overall our school's rendition of American Idol was done very well. They even were able to get the theme music of the actual show, which was a nice touch. After at least seventy flashes, I am going to go and try to get rid of this headache.

P.S. Will Ferrell on The Office tonight is hysterical, if your reading this now, it's still on, watch it!

That is all


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