Monday, November 22, 2010

What Time Is It?

Time is always a good thing to be aware of. But when you're at my school, there is no way of knowing what time it actually is, unless you have a cell phone. Because almost all of the clocks in the school are either too old to function or just don't work, most likely you won't be able to tell what time it is at any point during the day. Except for homeroom, first period, and the last period - seventh, those are easy because you either just got to school or are just leaving. And it is very hard to keep track of the time while your in class actually trying to learn something.

In the beginning of the school year everything is new again and you probably don't remember what you had for breakfast that morning let alone the bell schedule. So what ends up happening is you begin looking for signs. For example I know when to get ready to pack up for Chemistry class because another teacher walks down the hall at the same time everyday to go to a class, I'm assuming, and then I know that there is at least five minutes left of class. Five minutes = enough time to get my enormous Chemistry binder into my even larger school bag. The classic time marker though, is this; when you hear metal chairs squeaking across the floor, and they sound restless, then you know class must be over soon, because the people in the History class above you just woke up. I am so used to school without real time in every classroom, that I can't imagine school with working clocks. Unless I need to know the exact time it currently is, I am all set. In that case I either have to ask my friend what time it is on their phone, or check the time on mine, which I don't like doing all too often. Other people might think it's easier to just look at their phones, not me, I kind of like judging time by different things. If anything every happens to the clocks we have in the school now, like we actually get new ones, I would be a wreck, and probably late to class everyday, or too early. Well, let's just hope the school stays the way it is until I graduate, which is a safe bet.

That is all

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!


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