Thursday, June 16, 2011

You're Not Answering the Questions With Your Feet, You Know!

Have you ever taken a test, that you worked so hard to study for and you just want to get through the test in peace, but still have time to go back, check your answers, and think out things clearly? I'm sure we all have. Well today I took one of those very important tests - my history final. I was doing well; I took the seat in the front of the class, because if anyone sat in front of me, with my luck, they would be very distracting and if they were done with their test before me then I'd get more nervous than I would have to be. I thought I was all set, ready to pass this test. Unfortunately for me I sat between two foot-tapping maniacs.

At first I was so intent on my test I didn't realize the distraction that was my two classmates. Then my eyes became tired of staring at the bubble fill-in sheet, and if I didn't look away I surely would have walked out of class with cross eyes. But looking up was possibly the worst decision I could have made, for then I kept seeing out of my peripheral vision the feet of the people next to me bouncing up and down with no stop in sight. How can they not notice that what they're doing is beyond distracting?!?! Maybe, they think they're the only ones in the universe trying to focus, but really they're hindering everyone else in their ability to focus. Every question I had to read over about three times before I knew what it was asking, not to mention trying to answer them! Finally one of the bouncing-foot twins decided that they should stop, and thank goodness they did. However the other one continued to shake like they were having a seizure, but only in their foot.

I tried not to think about it, and focused in on my test - but it didn't work. I tried acting like a horse with it's blinders on, and put my left hand on my head so I wouldn't have to see what was going on around me - that helped, but didn't stop the noise of the rubber shoe squeaking against the ground. Finally I became used to it after a while and gained enough confidence to finish my test. And if I may also add that I finished exactly on time; I was finishing the last sentence of an essay I had to write when the bell rang. So there! Even though you were distracting, and obviously were confused about how to answer questions, because there's no buttons on the ground to press for the right answer, I finished before you!!

If anyone reads this, thanks, for reading about a venting session for my final exam in history!

That is all


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