Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Driver's License, Not Even a Permit.

I knew someday this summer would turn about sooner or later, and it's here. It's the summer where being the younger kid stinks like a dirty pair of socks even more than it already did. As of now, I don't have my driver's license, or my permit. Most of my friends and classmates have their permit, and if they're lucky, they even have their license. I try not to let this get at me, but lately, it's been hard not to think about it. Next month, thirty four days to be exact, I'll have my turn to take the permit test, but still that seems like ages from now.

It isn't all that bad - I still have legs - which I use to walk to places, like the park with my friends, or just around. And I have plenty of homework to keep me busy, which surprisingly I haven't had the most interest in lately; I have no idea why, well maybe because it's the last thing I want to do on a vacation away from school. Studying the Driver's Manual is something that I also must start doing, in order to pass the exam and finally get that special paper that will allow me to drive on the road. Yeah... I have to get to that.

I suppose it could be worse, I could be in my neighbor's situation - they have three cars and a riding lawn mower, that the youngest child motors around on, up and down the side road. I mean, I'm not that anxious to drive, but on the other hand, maybe I am. I wouldn't take it to the extreme of flinging rocks onto other people's lawns, just because I wanted to practice driving, but yeah I need my license!!!

This brings us to another dilemma, the most important part in driving - the car. I don't have one, nor the money to buy a shiny new one. So what, may you ask that I do? Enter every car giveaway that is available in town. So far I've entered one and, no luck, but there is another drawing coming up and all I can do is hope. Also, my aunt suggested that she keep her car, a red Nissan, for another year and then sell it to me; this I think is a splendid idea.

Sooner or later it will come, the time where I don't have to get a ride from my parents to anymore, I can drive myself. This time is coming up fast and will be here before I know it; I only wish though, that this time would hurry up a little, I don't want to resort to a lawnmower as my first vehicle.

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