Thursday, December 30, 2010

On Tuesday I Lost My Wisdom, Along With Four Teeth

Wisdom teeth. Why do they even call them that, when they don't increase your brain capacity or size by being rooted in your gums? I had to have my wisdom teeth removed this past Tuesday, and oh what an experience.

I was nervous, like any normal person, and when they make you wait in the waiting room for any amount of time it makes you even more hesitant. I heard my name called, so my mom and I went to the back room to get ready for the procedure. I sat down on the comfortable dentist chair and tried not to look at all the sharp instruments that were sterelized and about ready to be used to poke and prod through my mouth. I also didn't want to think about the IV. That scared me to no end. I have no idea why because after all it didn't hurt more than a normal flu shot. So once the IV was hooked up I heard the dentist or oral surgeon say "Now you're going to start to feel a little funny." I agreed, thinking good, I don't want to feel any pain whatsoever. Then I heard, "Are ya feeling funny?" once more I agreed and that was the last thing I remembered about the procedure. Which was a blessing. Until, what felt like two minutes later, I was woken up and told, "We are going to start walking to the recovery room." I still have no idea how I got to the recovery room.

The next thing I knew, my mom was there and everything was turning out fine. Until I felt a little queasy. Mind you I don't really have a good gag reflex. So long story short, the gause they put in my mouth to stop the bleeding, and prevent more bleeding was the problem, so I got sick twice in the recovery room. Then after the car ride home - a bumpy ride home, I got sick again. This experience was not turning out as peachy as I thought it would.

The pain was really bad the first day, but it slowly began to get better. After a nausea pill, and medicine for the pain, things became more tolerable. Today I got dressed and went for a ride in the car, which was amazing because I haven't been out of the house since Tuesday morning. Plus, also on the bright side I look less like a chipmunk! My cheeks are swollen still, and I can't laugh, which is impossible for me so I suffer through a laugh and then put ice on my face. I can't wait until this is all over. I couldn't have done this without my parents. My mom did everything I needed and more, which is why I am feeling so much better today. So I am truly thankful to her, and my dad who has also been here too.

That is all

P.S (My friend wanted me to give her advice on what it was like to get wisdom teeth out, so she can prepare for when she gets hers' out. I have no idea what to tell her. I'm not just going to say it was great, with hardly no pain, when I got sick six times the day of the operation! Well maybe I'll tell her everything that happened to me and then just say, "But everyone is different." Yeah, I'll say that. It's true after all.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Time

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I love snow, as you already have found out, and the ultimate gift was given on Christmas, better than any sweater or new cd, Jesus Christ was born. It is because of Him all of this is possible. Plus it's a time when you get to see all of your relatives, which for the most part is a great thing.

Christmas was at my house this year. Usually we travel to my aunts house and have it there, but not this year. Fitting thirteen people into a small house with a one-year-old Cocker spaniel is not as easy as it may seem. One thing about my dog, is that she pees. Yeah, I know it's normall, but it's really not when she does it whenever she gets excited over new people coming into the house. It always happens, no matter what, and it can be a little irritating. Besides that everything went according to plan - the food, the decorations, compliments on gifts. My aunt, who loves having a neice, because her only child is a boy, always wants to see what I received for Christmas. So I showed her everything; all the sweaters, perfume, dvd's, all of those things. My parents went completely crazy this year and bought a surplus of everthing. I wanted a few sweaters, to prepare for the upcoming snow storms, and I received about six. There wasn't much left on my list that I didn't get.

And now, what we in Western Massachusetts have been waiting for, the snow storms! So much snow has accumulated overnight and into this morning, the people on the news stations are calling it The Blizzard of 2010. I think they said at one point that we were getting hit with snow at a rate of three inches per hour - and that was last night. Today the snow has piled up, even on the windows, so that there is a layer of snow halfway up on the pane. Right now it's about nine thirty in the morning(yes I know, why am I up so early during vacation?) and the snow is still continuing to fall. I was going to take my dog for a walk, but until after it stops snowing, if it stops snowing, I'm going to stay secure and toasty in my house.

This snow is amazing, it seems like it has no end. It just keeps floating down from the sky, and who knows when it will stop? I hope it doesn't stop, mostly because I love it, and partly because I have to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. I've heard a lot of horror stories about wisdom teeth, but I try not to think about them, because everyones experience with them is different right? Well I'll find out tomorrow. All I know is I'm going to be completely knocked out for the whole experience, which is probably going to save me from most of the pain. I'll post more tomorrow, afterall I won't be able to talk, so why not write about it?

That is all


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Dog Has a Love For Snow Like No Other

Finally, finally, finally it snowed this week! The city I live in usually gets pounded with the feathery white flakes this time of year, so no wonder why I am so excited for it. It also may be due to the fact that my dad founded a snowmobile club, has been riding them since he was a teenager, and the fact that I have been riding them since I was three. Yes, that wasn't a typo, I was three when my parents bought me my first "sled" as we like to call it in my family. It was a black Articat Kitty Kat; and yes I know that's quite a few cats to swallow, sorry for the tongue twister. That snowmobile was very tiny, and didn't have much power, but to a three-year-old it did. So for about the first few months I had it, I would only sit on the machine on a roll away piece of wood with the engine on, that's it. Soon, when I was a bit older I upgraded to the Articat Z 120, which was lime green. I remember zipping along my side yard in this sled and crashing on every other turn. This machine is where I aquired enough skill to eventually inherit my mom's snowmobile, which is the one I currently ride now. So it is safe to say that I grew up with snow, not literally, it wasn't my pal in school, it's just that my parents were also fanatics, so it certainly rubbed off on me. I love it though, the beauty of the first snowfall of the year. The substance is light, like feathers and as it accumulates it shimmers if you look at it just so. At the moment I can't think of a better word to use, but I adore snow, a lot.

If you are someone who pays attention to the titles of things then you must be wondering why I'm not talking about my dog, well, I also am wondering that same exact thing. So I suppose I will stick to the topic and tell you about my puppy. Her name is Rubie and she is one year old. She is a Cockerspaniel, and has red fur. I cannot tell you how much the red colored fur suits her personality. If you would like to see a picture of her, I posted a few last year in a previous post. She is rambunctious, insane, peppy, loves to jump, and is an escape artist. When we went to the pet store to look at her, she almost always escaped her little body out of the pen and ran throughout the store. Even now, she is one, and still she is a very hyper dog. And as everyone knows with snow comes shoveling. Yesterday was the day it really started to snow, it was light though, light enough to shovel my whole driveway in less than twenty minutes. I like shoveling, I think it's a way to relieve stress, so with all the homework I had yesterday and today I still went out to shovel. To accompany me for the shoveling, was none other than Rubie. I had to let her outside anyway, to go to the bathroom.

This dog absolutley, like me, adores the snow. She is small in stature, so when she jumps through the snow, she looks like a rabbit. Between leaps and bounds, that Cockerspaniel of mine runs by my side and catches every piece of snow that falls behind my shovel. Then she will quickly run in front of the shovel,sometimes even bark, to try to either stop me from shoveling or eat the snow that I am about to fling on the grass. But most likely because she wants to eat the snow. Then she pushes her face in the snow. Standing in the middle of the yard she makes tunnels with her nose, and tries to burry her head in the cold, white, snow.

We weren't outside that long today, but still when we came inside I found little snow balls draping from the back of Rubie's feet and her ears. The dog who was once a firery red is now red and white. All together with the color of my cold hands made the colors of the American flag - red,white,blue. Rubie is currently in the kitchen defrosting, and hopefully not eating all the snow attatched to her fur, because then, who knows? She might even get a hair ball. Imagine that a dog getting a hair ball!

That is all
P.S. 17 days until Christmas!!!!!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Well I Never Thought I'd Be Getting An X-Ray On This Fine Friday

Gym class. It's gym glass. Why get so competitive, when you're not getting paid for it and you're not actually on the school's team? I had gym today, and the lovely sport we are playing this quarter is something called Broom Ball. Don't mind my tone, I actually like playing this sport a lot, but from my experience today, things have changed a little.

It was third period and we were all ready to play this intense game. This game can get so intense, it is the only game in gym class that you are required to wear shin pads at all times. Caught without those shin pads and you have to sit out the entire class. Broom Ball is similar to hockey, the only difference being that instead of a puc they use a small deflated looking soccer ball thing, and instead of a hockey stick with the curved piece of plastic on the end, there is a hard rubber part that is not curved. Most kids in my gym class get super competitive, to the point where they get mad because the other team scored a point on their team that was already winning five to zip. And of course they are the ones that hog the ball all time, and hardly, if ever pass the ball to others. Anyway, the game started and things were going fine, and before I knew it my team was winning four to zero. I find myself getting better and more agressive at this game every class. It was time for a face off because our team had scored and it was my turn to play offence(forward). And then it happened. I'm not sure how, but it did. I felt a sharp pang go through my right thumb and that hand. I immediatley stopped and realized I couldn't move my thumb. So I went off to the side and got an ice pack from our coach, and even the pressure from the ice pack made it hurt worse. So I went to the nurse.

The nurse's office is a place, I'm glad to say, I don't visit much. The office itself is fine and our school nurse is nice, but I hate it when there are sick people around me; the ones who cough and sound like a cat hacking up a hairball. Yuck. So I told our nurse the whole story. She called my mom, and long story short, my mom made an appointment for the doctors, and I left school early. But I did complete two out of the three tests I had to take today, using my pointer finger and index finger. It hurt though, when I wrote, so my letters and numbers looked like a four-year-old's drawing from daycare.

My dad and I went to the doctors and waited in that waiting room for a little over a half hour before I was called. Again I told the docotor the story, and here I am again telling it to you. Then she pressed on my thumb and asked if it hurt. Well yeah, it did hurt, a lot. So she sent me down to X-Ray, with a thumb that probably was hurt even more. I got an X-Ray, waited in the waiting room for another good twenty minutes only to find out nothing was wrong with my hand, or thumb. So I am typing this now with an ace bandage around my hand, that's it. I thought I would have more to show for it, but that's it. Maybe I'll get a bruise or something. Yeah, I actually would like a memory from this. How am I typing your asking yourself? Well according to my parents and the doctor I have a very high tolerance for pain, so this is actually working out, until in about five minutes my hand will start throbbing and swell. But until then I will continue to type.

It's safe to say I wasn't expecting this at all today. I thought it was going to be normal, but turned out to be anything besides that. Well I am going to stop typing now, for the sake of my thumb.

That is all

P.S. 21 days until Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
