Thursday, December 30, 2010

On Tuesday I Lost My Wisdom, Along With Four Teeth

Wisdom teeth. Why do they even call them that, when they don't increase your brain capacity or size by being rooted in your gums? I had to have my wisdom teeth removed this past Tuesday, and oh what an experience.

I was nervous, like any normal person, and when they make you wait in the waiting room for any amount of time it makes you even more hesitant. I heard my name called, so my mom and I went to the back room to get ready for the procedure. I sat down on the comfortable dentist chair and tried not to look at all the sharp instruments that were sterelized and about ready to be used to poke and prod through my mouth. I also didn't want to think about the IV. That scared me to no end. I have no idea why because after all it didn't hurt more than a normal flu shot. So once the IV was hooked up I heard the dentist or oral surgeon say "Now you're going to start to feel a little funny." I agreed, thinking good, I don't want to feel any pain whatsoever. Then I heard, "Are ya feeling funny?" once more I agreed and that was the last thing I remembered about the procedure. Which was a blessing. Until, what felt like two minutes later, I was woken up and told, "We are going to start walking to the recovery room." I still have no idea how I got to the recovery room.

The next thing I knew, my mom was there and everything was turning out fine. Until I felt a little queasy. Mind you I don't really have a good gag reflex. So long story short, the gause they put in my mouth to stop the bleeding, and prevent more bleeding was the problem, so I got sick twice in the recovery room. Then after the car ride home - a bumpy ride home, I got sick again. This experience was not turning out as peachy as I thought it would.

The pain was really bad the first day, but it slowly began to get better. After a nausea pill, and medicine for the pain, things became more tolerable. Today I got dressed and went for a ride in the car, which was amazing because I haven't been out of the house since Tuesday morning. Plus, also on the bright side I look less like a chipmunk! My cheeks are swollen still, and I can't laugh, which is impossible for me so I suffer through a laugh and then put ice on my face. I can't wait until this is all over. I couldn't have done this without my parents. My mom did everything I needed and more, which is why I am feeling so much better today. So I am truly thankful to her, and my dad who has also been here too.

That is all

P.S (My friend wanted me to give her advice on what it was like to get wisdom teeth out, so she can prepare for when she gets hers' out. I have no idea what to tell her. I'm not just going to say it was great, with hardly no pain, when I got sick six times the day of the operation! Well maybe I'll tell her everything that happened to me and then just say, "But everyone is different." Yeah, I'll say that. It's true after all.


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