Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A.P. = Advanced Placement or an Absolute Punishment?

If you have read the blog entry a ways back entitled "Mid-terms Part Two" you know that I am not very fond of History class. Then why was I one of the eight kids pulled out of class today to inform us that we were all chosen for an A.P. or Advanced Placement U.S. History 2 class for next year? This was a crazy idea at first thought, but then again I was recommended, the other students in it are up to my maturity level and I have the grades to support it. So after talking about it with my parents I have decided to take the class! We will see how this goes, but even though it is a bit of a challenge being a college course I think I can manage. After that news was given to us by our current history teacher about five of the girls in my class including me were told to stand in the front of the room. So, we did, wondering what else was in store for us today. Our class is currently studying women's rights so we were going on strike in the front of the room with blank posters in our hands chanting some ridiculous saying that our teacher made up that all of us were too shy to say so we just stood there shyly. Then, oh then, we got 'arrested' by the obnoxious guys in class but they were also too shy to put us in the slammer. They seemed at first like they were serious, taking off their sweatshirts and jackets to the effect of "I'm a tough guy and oh yeah I'm a freshman too." But the reenactment was discontinued and it was time to get back to class.

American Idol is one of my favorite shows of all time. Say what you want, say it's rigged and the judges are too critical and it was better when Paula Abdul was on it but I still love it. It has gone downhill since season seven, but I still continue to watch it. At my school every year there is a singing contest, much like American Idol. Students can come and laugh at the people who should never open their mouths to sing and be amazed at people in school who really have a talent, and then vote on who they think is the best. Rehearsal was today after school and I had planned to stay after school for math. While doing my math homework I heard funky disco music being played ever so loudly outside of the classroom door. They were rehearsing in the hallway, and oh boy was it a challenge to do Algebra while upperclassmen are running up and down the hallway. It was funny though to hear the music being played, my math teacher even started dancing, which was a bit odd but good for a laugh. Then when I was done with my math and about to leave school I was stopped by the performance in the hall that I was trying to pass through. I, lucky me, got to see the whole performance, which was actually pretty cool. Then when the upperclassmen were done dancing to the funky music I passes by even more excited to see the show coming up.

That is all


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