Monday, March 15, 2010

Well, I think I've been caught

For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while I know you know about Church Boy. Well now I think my parents know about him; I know they know who he is and see him every Sunday, but now they most likely know about my crush on him. The way they probably found out was during the process of changing my sheets. I have a cold now and it was really bad yesterday, but is getting better today. And the worst chore I can think of is changing sheets on a bed, especially if you have to flip the mattress and it is turning into what my mom calls "a hot dog bun". So my parents willingly changed my sheets for me, which I was grateful for until I realized, after they had changed the sheets that I had a picture of Church Boy under my pillow to hide it from them when I was showing my friends what he looks like. I looked everywhere for the picture, under my bed, in the garbage, on the kitchen table but it was nowhere to be found. I then looked on the headboard of my bead where all my c.d.'s are kept, and there folded up was the picture. My heart was fluttering as I considered all of the possibilities of how it got there - My parents obviously found it and they either didn't bother looking at it thinking it was me being a fan girl of a boy in a band, or they opened it revealing Church Boy to their very eyes. So I brought this dilemma to "B", and I asked, "If you were my parents and you saw a folded piece of paper under my pillow, would you open it?" Considering this for about five seconds "B"'s answer was "Yes." She then reminded me that if my parents are so involved with my life that they always make sure I have my cell phone on ring-tone and that I keep my shoes on in the car, that unfolding a piece of paper was probably a thing they would do. So far they haven't said anything but there is another pot-luck dinner this Friday and they might say something about it. Being friends with Church Boy's dad, my dad might slip a word or two to him and that would be the worst thing ever. I guess.

That is all


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