Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You know it's never a good thing when you are called by your first and middle name

Hello internet readers it has been a long time since anyone has updated this blog. As you know "B" has decided to not write on the blog anymore, but that doesn't mean that I won't continue writing on here.

Anyway, today was the day that we had to decide our futures. Our career pathways were chosen today. The pathways we choose have to relate to what our jobs will be. Why, though do we have to decide this now?! We are only freshman! Today we went from class to class signing up for next year's courses; sophomore year is quickly approaching. The worst thing to hear when you are a child is your first, middle, and sometimes last name said all together very loud and in a voice that is recognized as your mother's. There is always a consequence coming when full names are used to call a child. Also hearing your first, middle, and last name said over a microphone at graduation can be a daunting thought to most youth. But when teachers use middle names in class at high school it is just weird and kind of a bragging rights to the kids who have unusual middle names or very proper ones like Donald. Our english teacher today, as he was signing off our papers to recommend our class for honors english 10 next year said aloud our first and middle names, the ones that could be pronounced that is. Some people have different middle names that are hard to pronounce at first but once heard in the proper way of saying they sound really unique. For example I met this kid once whose middle name was Thyme. One of my classmates was sarcastically rooted on by others in the class because his middle name was Donald. Scarlet faced, and smiling he walked up to the teacher's desk awaiting his future class for english.

Now jumping back to last Saturday. It was my friend "R"'s Birthday, so we had planned to go see a play and then go out to dinner with my other friend "K". The play was very entertaining and I would like to see it again. If anyone wants to look it up it is called the Mikado, a Japanese heritage play. It is tradition at my friend "R"'s birthday to have a scavenger hunt around her house. It usually leads to a treat for the party attendees. The scavenger hunt this year however was a bit different than the previous years - it was held outside throughout the city. After the play was over with "R"'s mom surprised us with this news and excitedly we ran off to the first destination - an Irish restaurant. For anyone who is reading this that lives where I live, it is the Irish restaurant, that I won't name, near the library. Scaring people in the window of this restaurant, I screamed "There it is!!!!" when I found the clue. The people in the window could not see the clue because it was on the wall underneath the window. They gave me strange looks as I tried to detach the paper clue from the wall. We followed the next few clues which somehow involved us going by that same window-front over and over again, until the people I'm guessing were sick of seeing us running and screaming by. At one point in our trek we had to cross a street, which in our city near park square, can be very challenging. Before we did so I looked down at the ground and in the snow was a brand new twenty dollar bill. I called my friends over, and in disbelief they saw the green bill in my hand. Looking down my friend "K" found yet another mint-condition twenty dollar bill. Then my friend "R", the birthday girl, looked and found the last twenty dollar bill. Amazed by what we found we asked "R"'s mom if this was part of the scavenger hunt, stunned, she said no. So we ran to "R"'s dad to ask him if he would stay in the area we found the money to see if anyone by chance lost sixty dollars. I am still amazed by this today; it is usual to find maybe a dollar or two but not three twenty dollar bills. And yes we looked to see if they were real, and they all had the security thread in them. What a Saturday night - running around the city, finding twenty dollars a piece, and going out to dinner, it was the best birthday party I have attended so far.

That is all


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