Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm not blind but there is a slight chance I might be deaf

"Really I could have sworn you said..." Is a phrase that I've come to use on a daily basis. I could be going deaf, but it could also be that people don't speak up. I sound a lot like my parents now; asking people to repeat things that were said too fast or things that they just can't understand, because they "whispered" or "mumbled". "B", though happens to think I need hearing aids. Just in time to test this scenario the Scoliosis, hearing, and vision test was taken today at school. We were called down during 7th period three at a time to the nurses office. I have a really straight back, I even get criticized, which I think is pretty funny, from my friends in school about how I sit up so straight that they can't see over my head. My response to this is "When you are crippled and so bent over from slouching that your fingertips almost touch the ground, I'd be glad to open doors for you." The woman who checked me for scoliosis said that I tilt slightly to the right, mostly because I am right handed and I carry my book bag on my right shoulder with all of my books in it. After that check it was on to vision and hearing. I went out of the first room to the next, when I see my friend, lets call him "P" sitting outside with a worried look on the other nurse's face. I asked "P" what had happened, turns out he broke the headphones for the hearing test. Lovely now I can't even take the hearing test, they have to reschedule it! It was hilarious though how "P" didn't mean to damage it in any way, he was just putting the headphones on when he heard a crack and they basically fell apart. "P" apologized many times with the only reply from the nurse being "You better be". Then she asked him why he did such a thing. Poor "P" now the rest of my class has to take the hearing test on another day. My hearing or lack there of will be proven to be false on a later date. I am not deaf "B" I can hear you just fine! But you may have to speak up sometimes.

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