Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And the Snow Just Keeps on Falling

Well it hit us. It finally hit us. That big snowstorm that our area was supposed to get a few weeks ago finally came. This is undoubtedly a real snow day. It isn't a day with a few flurries, it is much more than that, as I'm typing the snow circles rapidly to the ground. This all started yesterday before the school bell rang throughout the halls, snow was beginning to come down. With many predictions on how much of the white stuff was expected; some said three to four inches, some said eight to twelve inches. Our last day off, because of expected snow was more or less a joke, for we had nothing but a few flurries that stopped when the hand on the clock reached twelve. All of my relatives were irritated knowing they had to go to work and public schools got a free snow day. I usually walk down to my grandmother's house on snow days with my crazy puppy who loves to play in the snow. Last snow day my cousin, let's call him "D", came over after work to pick up soup my grandmother had made for his dinner. The first words out of his mouth when he saw me sitting on the couch enjoying my day off was "Bull crap snow day!" Yes it was "D" but that is why it was, for me, all the more enjoyable.

Today I will arrive at my grandmothers house looking like a snowman, my puppy will have clumps of snow all over her fur. My puppy, like every other loves to play in the snow. I find it hard to get her to come back inside to the warmth of our home because she is having a grand old time for herself. She is very adorable and bunny-like hopping through the snow but when she returns from her adventure outside she is not adorable. Her stomach and chest fill up with clumps of snow that are much like burs. If you don't know what a bur is it is a plant that tends to stick to clothing, hair, etc. The snow is very hard to pull off of her so I decided just to let it melt off. This will probably happen when we walk through the once shoveled sidewalks to my grandmothers house.

Yesterday the snow started getting worse as soon as everyone in school was on their bus. This is a day when you wish you were old enough to drive a car to school. Our bus, after it picks up us, the highschoolers, has to go pick up the middleschoolers. On our way there a bus spun out on the top of a hill, which left us in a delay of at least twenty minutes. Then our bus driver decided to follow another bus down a side street that led out to the main street the other bus was stuck at. The bus we decided to follow then knocked over a stop sign while turning and almost didn't make the corner. We were lucky enough to not get hit or stuck on the way to the middle school. We safely picked up the "little kids" and were finally headed home. When we returned home, my neighbors and I as we were walking home realized we were getting off the bus at the same time elementary school children were getting out of school (3:15 p.m.)

Looks like the snow is letting up a little, kinda, well maybe not.

That is all


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