Sunday, January 31, 2010

MyClyns facial spray

I just saw a commercial for this new product called MyClyns. It is a facial spray that is safe to spray near the eyes, nose, and mouth. This way if your child gets germs anywhere near them, you as a mom, can spray your child in the face with this product cleaning any germs away! Such a great product, people often use spray water bottles much like this product to discipline their cats, well done, now you can surprise your child with a spray in the face because a germ might creep in through their nose.

watch the video on Youtube

Getting older, and a reunion of cousins.

I left the house today with my family to go to church. We got there at the normal time and were sitting in the middle left pew. Curious about the upcoming events at church I decided to read the bulletin. When I took the two-paged reading in my hand and tried to reveal its contents to my eyes, the pages were stuck together. My first instinct was to lick my thumb and pointer finger to make the task easier. Anyone who knows me or goes to school with me knows my obsession with germs and how I carry six bottles of hand sanitizer in my school bag, they would never expect me to lick my fingers at anytime unless they had been properly cleaned. Also the only people I can think of who lick their fingers before turning a page in something is school teachers and elderly people. Was it just me or were you also grossed out when your high school teacher licked their fingers before they handed out an assignment? No one wants to be the kid who is first in the row because they get the paper with the most spit. If you were last in the row, sure there is still residue but at least it doesn't have that much teacher saliva on the edge and it probably already dried by the time it reached your desk. The whole idea is repulsive. Tonight I am going to a cousin's reunion. All of my cousins, some that I know some that I haven't seen in a while will be there. With a big Italian family like ours the restaurant will not be quiet the whole time we are there. Conversations, catching up on the last few years, or months, or weeks, and talking about college and the future. With my loud family the perfect place to hold this event is no other than the famous Highland Restaurant, a place where any Italian could call home, where we can be as loud as ever and the owners just realize it's part of who we are, because they themselves are Italians. Who knows what kind of shenanigans will happen, a meatball might even go soaring through the air. All we can do is wonder. I will tell what happens later.

But until then

Buona Sera,


Thursday, January 28, 2010

You know you need to get out more when you find yourself quoting old ladies on Tv in normal conversation.

"im stunned stunned stunned stunned stunned doesnt even begin to say how......... stunned i am"- Blanche from The Golden Girls. That was the first thing that came to mind when i heared about "blue eyed dream." Just moments before that was submitted, Emm had asked me what to call him, if i had known this was what she was thinking, i perhaps would have suggested something alittle less......... sappy love poem-ish. Any way, not much is new here so I think I am going to quote some of my favorite songs and quotes. I have been keeping a word document of them and everytime i hear a new one i quickly jot it down For no purpose really, other than i enjoy reading them. The list is pretty long, but here are a few of my favorites :

" And we both go down together, we may stay there forever I'll just try to get up, and I'm sorry, this wasn't easy when i asked you believe me and never let go, but i let go"

"And i could only sing you sad songs and you could sing along, And you could sing the melody thats been calling at your walls"
- I'd hate to be you when people figure out what this song is about , Mayday parade.

"Please dont tell me that I'm dreaming, when all i want to do is dream another sunset with you"
- Jamie all over , Mayday parade.

"so tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love? all the time, all the time."
- owl city

"im just another small town girl with city dreams that wont come true, and even if they do, it wont be all i thought it would; but im still dreaming."
- i dont know where i got this one.

"promise me you will always remeber, your braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"
- Winnie the pooh. (the original version not the new scary one)

ok well thats it. i'll probably do a few of these everyday.

bee <3


Well that's it folks I have completed all of my mid-terms! Italian was easy today. I sat down with my friend and then all of the failing juniors who have repeated the class at least three times came into the room. And guess who they sat next to? I had the pleasure of being seated next to them! I have no doubt that all they did was circle the letter that looked appealing to them and looked over for my answers anytime that they could see my answer sheet. We got pelted with snow in the morning today and the weather people are saying we are going to get hit again. When I was done with my mid-term and was sitting in the classroom, since I had a half hour to kill I decided to look around the room. Well it was pretty boring, until my eyes settled on, lets call him blue-eyed dream. He has amazing blue eyes and is just.... well you would have to see a picture. But anyway he kept my interest for the rest of the period. And unlike church boy I have talked to the blue-eyed dream. When "B" reads this she is going to be shocked! Last night I went to the lake to take pictures of the beautiful sunset. I rushed my dad out the door and we made it there just in time to catch the sun at the perfect point of setting. While I was there taking pictures I heard little voices screaming, and no I am not crazy. I looked across the lake and there was a pair of chairs parked in the middle of the lake. They were shouting things like "Hey, hey, hey." Calm down people I'm not taking your picture. I'm getting a new camera today from my English teacher. Well it's new to me, but an old camera so lets hope the feathery white stuff from the sky falls after three o'clock.

That is all


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mid-terms Part Two

The end of the week is quickly approaching us and I am here to tell you about the second to last day of the ever so lovely Mid-term Examination. I am very exhausted and probably should check on my 5 month old puppy who has been left alone in the kitchen for too long. But I am going to tell you about my interesting day. History and Math today, yuck. Math is not bad but History, lets say I would rather take another Math exam than sit through History. Any time I complain about History assignments my mother is quick to say, "Well you have to know how this country was started." Well I could really care less if Andrew Jackson was a different president because he normally answered the door to the White House in his pajamas. Or if someone put tax on Whiskey and old drunken farmers rebelled. Anyway I managed to get through that barely with again ignorant people in the Honors Program of History, throwing pencils and whatever else they managed to scrounge up. Our first exam of the day was Math. It was relatively easy, and I fit in extra studying in with my tutor last night. For the exam I was in a classroom that was located near the driveway of my school. Normally one would hear car engines of late arriving staff or students, but not today. I was 20 questions into the exam and all of a sudden a car with music pounding from its speakers came into the school drop off zone. This music was no Mozart, oh no it was the car that's music is so loud and ear blasting you can hear it even though it already past your house five minutes ago. Now don't you think that this parent or parent figure would be knowledgeable of the testing today, since they were probably dropping off their child who was at least a half hour late? At least five minutes pass and I wonder if anyone else in my class can hear the thumping this car is creating that can be heard through the wall of a high school. Finally the car was gone, music fading away as the car got closer and closer to leaving the school. Well tomorrow is the Foreign Language exam. Italian should be rather easy.

That is all


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Smoothies must be embarrassed to have such rediculous names

Today we had midterms. Thats the part of the year when every teacher in the school starts freaking out. not to mention they keep calling them finals. I think it is the greatest thing how a teacher will yell at you if you accedentaly confuse a quiz with a test, but its ok if the mistake a midterm for a final exam. I hate midterms because i actually continue to think they are finals and for some reason can't seem to comprehend that this is only the half way mark, it's not summer vacation when im doe, and i have to go back and learn more useless information later. Plus everytime you look up from your paper, the teachers stare you down. After this disaster, Emm brought me to the donut man to get a smoothie. Of corse because it is the middle of winter they were running low and had "limited flavors". so they didnt have the ones we wanted. Then the man continues to read of this list of smoothies, and then goes into lattes and finaly five minutes later we get through the list of "limited flavors". I then asked for a vinela smoothie. "you mean vinela BEAN?" the man reply's. "no genious, vinnela potatoe" i wanted to reply, but didnt simply because i wasnt talking to the man, emm's mom was. Then he reply's after we had already established multiple times we were all getting SMOOTHIES " did you want the vinnella bean smoothie, or the latte." Finaly we got our smoothies. They were delicious, but what i will never understand is why they have stupid names. No one buys a smoothie because it has a long complicated stupid name, and it just makes the person ordering it feel like an idiot. Honestly, there not going to lose any customers (except maybe Elmo) If it were 'strawberry', rather than 'sweet slurpin starwbeery splash surprise.' If that were my name, I would wear a bag over my head. SMOOTHIES HAVE FEELINGS TO!

Okay, well now that you've heard my sypathy plead for "save the smoothies reputation" im going to go make some posters. just kidding, im going to eat a brownie (:

love <3


Today was the start of a class cutter's worst nightmare - Mid-terms. I came into school today with my hair looking like a birds nest and many pages of review notes in a folder. Last night was spent reviewing as much as I could. Today's subjects were English and Biology the easiest out of the five we have to take. My stomach began doing flip flops as I approached my first classroom, or if you want to call it the examination room but to me that sounds like we are going into a room to be examined for some problem. As the time came closer and closer for the exam to start I became even more nervous. I was enlightened however by looking outside and seeing everyone who had arrived late run into school before they locked the front doors. The English exam passes rather quickly and before I knew it I had answered 100 multiple choice questions and wrote a five paragraph essay! Next was Biology. This class is relatively easy for me and I knew a lot of information. But guess who was in the class with me?! The Gum Chomping Giant; wonderful. Plus we were in a Chemistry room which had metal stools to sit on and we had to sit on them for an hour and a half. Biology moved along well too and the Gum Chomping Giant was silent! After the exams were over we could go home which is the best way to take a test. We had to give "B" a ride home so I figured since we had completed 141 multiple choice questions one five-paragraph essay and 4 Biology essays, that we were deserving of a smoothie, so we ventured to The Donut Man. This place is not always reliable when it comes to their smoothies so our first choices were not available. After listening to the man at the window for at least five minutes go through numerous flavors no one has ever even heard of before we picked ours. Now I am home again almost ready to start studying for U.S. History tomorrow. Wonderful, my worst subject but all we can do is hope for the best. Mid-terms again tomorrow maybe they will be more interesting than today.

That is all
