Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting older, and a reunion of cousins.

I left the house today with my family to go to church. We got there at the normal time and were sitting in the middle left pew. Curious about the upcoming events at church I decided to read the bulletin. When I took the two-paged reading in my hand and tried to reveal its contents to my eyes, the pages were stuck together. My first instinct was to lick my thumb and pointer finger to make the task easier. Anyone who knows me or goes to school with me knows my obsession with germs and how I carry six bottles of hand sanitizer in my school bag, they would never expect me to lick my fingers at anytime unless they had been properly cleaned. Also the only people I can think of who lick their fingers before turning a page in something is school teachers and elderly people. Was it just me or were you also grossed out when your high school teacher licked their fingers before they handed out an assignment? No one wants to be the kid who is first in the row because they get the paper with the most spit. If you were last in the row, sure there is still residue but at least it doesn't have that much teacher saliva on the edge and it probably already dried by the time it reached your desk. The whole idea is repulsive. Tonight I am going to a cousin's reunion. All of my cousins, some that I know some that I haven't seen in a while will be there. With a big Italian family like ours the restaurant will not be quiet the whole time we are there. Conversations, catching up on the last few years, or months, or weeks, and talking about college and the future. With my loud family the perfect place to hold this event is no other than the famous Highland Restaurant, a place where any Italian could call home, where we can be as loud as ever and the owners just realize it's part of who we are, because they themselves are Italians. Who knows what kind of shenanigans will happen, a meatball might even go soaring through the air. All we can do is wonder. I will tell what happens later.

But until then

Buona Sera,


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