Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mid-terms Part Two

The end of the week is quickly approaching us and I am here to tell you about the second to last day of the ever so lovely Mid-term Examination. I am very exhausted and probably should check on my 5 month old puppy who has been left alone in the kitchen for too long. But I am going to tell you about my interesting day. History and Math today, yuck. Math is not bad but History, lets say I would rather take another Math exam than sit through History. Any time I complain about History assignments my mother is quick to say, "Well you have to know how this country was started." Well I could really care less if Andrew Jackson was a different president because he normally answered the door to the White House in his pajamas. Or if someone put tax on Whiskey and old drunken farmers rebelled. Anyway I managed to get through that barely with again ignorant people in the Honors Program of History, throwing pencils and whatever else they managed to scrounge up. Our first exam of the day was Math. It was relatively easy, and I fit in extra studying in with my tutor last night. For the exam I was in a classroom that was located near the driveway of my school. Normally one would hear car engines of late arriving staff or students, but not today. I was 20 questions into the exam and all of a sudden a car with music pounding from its speakers came into the school drop off zone. This music was no Mozart, oh no it was the car that's music is so loud and ear blasting you can hear it even though it already past your house five minutes ago. Now don't you think that this parent or parent figure would be knowledgeable of the testing today, since they were probably dropping off their child who was at least a half hour late? At least five minutes pass and I wonder if anyone else in my class can hear the thumping this car is creating that can be heard through the wall of a high school. Finally the car was gone, music fading away as the car got closer and closer to leaving the school. Well tomorrow is the Foreign Language exam. Italian should be rather easy.

That is all


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