Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Smoothies must be embarrassed to have such rediculous names

Today we had midterms. Thats the part of the year when every teacher in the school starts freaking out. not to mention they keep calling them finals. I think it is the greatest thing how a teacher will yell at you if you accedentaly confuse a quiz with a test, but its ok if the mistake a midterm for a final exam. I hate midterms because i actually continue to think they are finals and for some reason can't seem to comprehend that this is only the half way mark, it's not summer vacation when im doe, and i have to go back and learn more useless information later. Plus everytime you look up from your paper, the teachers stare you down. After this disaster, Emm brought me to the donut man to get a smoothie. Of corse because it is the middle of winter they were running low and had "limited flavors". so they didnt have the ones we wanted. Then the man continues to read of this list of smoothies, and then goes into lattes and finaly five minutes later we get through the list of "limited flavors". I then asked for a vinela smoothie. "you mean vinela BEAN?" the man reply's. "no genious, vinnela potatoe" i wanted to reply, but didnt simply because i wasnt talking to the man, emm's mom was. Then he reply's after we had already established multiple times we were all getting SMOOTHIES " did you want the vinnella bean smoothie, or the latte." Finaly we got our smoothies. They were delicious, but what i will never understand is why they have stupid names. No one buys a smoothie because it has a long complicated stupid name, and it just makes the person ordering it feel like an idiot. Honestly, there not going to lose any customers (except maybe Elmo) If it were 'strawberry', rather than 'sweet slurpin starwbeery splash surprise.' If that were my name, I would wear a bag over my head. SMOOTHIES HAVE FEELINGS TO!

Okay, well now that you've heard my sypathy plead for "save the smoothies reputation" im going to go make some posters. just kidding, im going to eat a brownie (:

love <3

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