Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And the Snow Just Keeps on Falling

Well it hit us. It finally hit us. That big snowstorm that our area was supposed to get a few weeks ago finally came. This is undoubtedly a real snow day. It isn't a day with a few flurries, it is much more than that, as I'm typing the snow circles rapidly to the ground. This all started yesterday before the school bell rang throughout the halls, snow was beginning to come down. With many predictions on how much of the white stuff was expected; some said three to four inches, some said eight to twelve inches. Our last day off, because of expected snow was more or less a joke, for we had nothing but a few flurries that stopped when the hand on the clock reached twelve. All of my relatives were irritated knowing they had to go to work and public schools got a free snow day. I usually walk down to my grandmother's house on snow days with my crazy puppy who loves to play in the snow. Last snow day my cousin, let's call him "D", came over after work to pick up soup my grandmother had made for his dinner. The first words out of his mouth when he saw me sitting on the couch enjoying my day off was "Bull crap snow day!" Yes it was "D" but that is why it was, for me, all the more enjoyable.

Today I will arrive at my grandmothers house looking like a snowman, my puppy will have clumps of snow all over her fur. My puppy, like every other loves to play in the snow. I find it hard to get her to come back inside to the warmth of our home because she is having a grand old time for herself. She is very adorable and bunny-like hopping through the snow but when she returns from her adventure outside she is not adorable. Her stomach and chest fill up with clumps of snow that are much like burs. If you don't know what a bur is it is a plant that tends to stick to clothing, hair, etc. The snow is very hard to pull off of her so I decided just to let it melt off. This will probably happen when we walk through the once shoveled sidewalks to my grandmothers house.

Yesterday the snow started getting worse as soon as everyone in school was on their bus. This is a day when you wish you were old enough to drive a car to school. Our bus, after it picks up us, the highschoolers, has to go pick up the middleschoolers. On our way there a bus spun out on the top of a hill, which left us in a delay of at least twenty minutes. Then our bus driver decided to follow another bus down a side street that led out to the main street the other bus was stuck at. The bus we decided to follow then knocked over a stop sign while turning and almost didn't make the corner. We were lucky enough to not get hit or stuck on the way to the middle school. We safely picked up the "little kids" and were finally headed home. When we returned home, my neighbors and I as we were walking home realized we were getting off the bus at the same time elementary school children were getting out of school (3:15 p.m.)

Looks like the snow is letting up a little, kinda, well maybe not.

That is all


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting on with life's adventures.

Today, while i was thinking of what to write about, i thought back into the last few days I realized that there were many things that have happened, but nothing I really felt needed to be posted where anyone could read them. It's my business, and I don't think anyone really cares enough about what i ate for breakfast or Where i went last Sunday. The point is, It is my life, and if i want people to know about it, i will tell them. Not to say I am against blogging, I think it is a great thing for people with interesting lives who are easy to relate to. For example, if this were a blog about a new job, then everyone with a new job could relate. But although a typical teenager could relate, I don't know any typical teenager who actually reads this, and if their were, it would either be one of my friends who already knows about everything, or someone i know that i am not comfortable knowing my personal business. Basically, I you don't know what happened, I don't want you to, or its not important enough. I really don't think by writing this, I am helping any teenager relate, which was my purpose for this blog. The other purpose was to have record of things as they were happening, almost like an online diary, but then I realized if i desperately felt the need to remember these things, i would have written them on a much more personal level in an actual diary. I've been thinking about this for quite some time, but what really made me decide was when i heard tiger woods' speech yesterday, and then heard a news station analyze every move of his 'audience' "well you'll notice this lady over here didn't make eye contact with him.' Who cares! they used a variety of circles and arrows and special affects to show how these people reacted to what he was saying. It was then I began to Wonder why people are so obsessed with this. Sure, it was wrong of him to do, and sure he was a role model for people and what not, but there are lots of non famous people who have made this mistake who must have been a role model for at least someone. They don't have to make a public apology. I also think it is good that he made an apology to everyone, but if the press wasn't so obsessed with this, it would have been much more personal and only between his friends and family. Of coarse now the press is going to go after the people he spoke to, invading their personal lives. Any way, that made me realize that my opinions on life are personal, and that no one needs know my every move. Not saying it would ever get to that level of publicity, but I really have nothing important i want anyone to know. So, I will be continuing my life's adventure, not worrying about the next blog post, or anything else for that matter, I have enough to deal with, I don't need to flaunt it to the world. "m" will probably continue with this blog, because I'm sure she blogs for different reason than I do and has different views on the situation, But This will be my last post. Unless of course I become part of something I feel is really important that could really help people view life in a different way, or when I am older and have a reason to blog (i.e. a new job etc.) So I 'B' here by resign from this blog. Wasn't that such an official letter? It makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world resigning from the most important job in the world. Well, enjoy your lives (:



p.s. Sorry for all my gramitcal errors and spelling mistkakes (:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Two Days Away From Home

This post will include everything that has happened over the course of two days. So let's start with yesterday. My mom and my friend "R" went to the Boston Museum of Science. "R" is a huge Harry Potter fan so we went to see the exhibition. It was very cool to see all of the intricate details that you wouldn't know of by just seeing the movie. All of the actual props and costumes where there behind ropes and in glass boxes, and I even got to sit in the character Hagrad's chair! On our way to the museum we stopped to get, as my mom calls it "spit", but really windshield washer fluid. It was early, around ten in the morning and everyone at the rest stop was either there to use the bathroom or get breakfast. A car pulled up next to us and a man came out and looked a little groggy from an early morning awakening. The next thing I know he was stretching. Hands pointed towards the sun, looking like he was about to go into a series of jumping jacks. He was there for a good five minutes before he entered the convenient store. That was how the day started off. Our first exhibit we saw was a butterfly one. Previously I had known I liked to look at butterflies but to me they were a little scary up close, I did not however know that I am petrified of the winged creatures. We ventured into the room surrounded by plants and lots and lots of butterflies. One swooped down and almost skimmed my head, I quickly ducked down and almost hit my friend "R" who thought my phobia of attacking butterflies was just hilarious. I found my way out of there as soon as possible. Besides doors, elevators are also very awkward and can be dangerous. On our way home we took the elevator which could have been a mistake. We got on and then a family followed us in and told us what troubles they had with elevators throughout the day. Wonderful; spoiling a good day with a group that has had bad luck in elevators. The worst thing about them was that they had small children, apart from being a little loud and excited they hit the wrong button that took us to the basement or some deserted parking garage. Apprehensive, but we let them push the button we thought would take us to where we needed to go, and thankfully it did. The family's grandmother started to sing a song from the t.v. show "Mr. Rodgers". She sang out sarcastically "What a loverly day in the neighborhood." And yes, she said loverly. However it wasn't the floor the family needed to get off on; the doors closed and they were off to another floor, hopefully the one they needed.

Now I will fill you in on what happened today. My mom has two sisters, one who lives about ten minutes away and one that lives about two hours away so today we did what we always do when we get together - shop. My aunts could talk for forever and ever and they could also shop forever and forever. They are the best and sometimes say or do the weirdest things that will make anyone laugh. Today my aunt Lorraine was looking at a price of something and, as most middle age people have to do, she put her glasses on to see the microscopic print on the label. After this she left her glasses hanging from her ears and around her chin. She continued through the store this way and even when we were cashing out. I love her but this was priceless. Leaving the store I bumped into, with a cart, the door which clearly read "Automatic" in big green letters. What I didn't notice was the small sign at the bottom of the door which read "Not Automatic - Push". Automatic doors are nice, when they are working and you don't have to push them.

That is all

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Hand Incident, and Talking to Strangers

It's the first lesson one learns as a child. It is very important and adults tend to repeat it often until it drives one mad. It is the old "Don't talk to strangers" lesson. I was very good at this as a child, and now I think I'm even better at it, just ask "B" I get very nervous talking to people, especially over the phone and if I don't know them. Locked out of my house the other day after school, not having my phone or my key, my only choice was to walk to my grandmother's house just down the street. On my way there I saw a girl that is younger than me who is on my bus. Trying to break free from this awkwardness I have towards talking to people I told her my dilemma. I stated "I Forgot the darn keys and my phone!" now I'm not sure if she knew who I was or that I am on her bus but she gave a fake laugh. Well at least I talked! Might have scared the poor child but at least I talked! Earlier something similar to this incident happened. Opening doors is just awkward. Either you hold the door for someone for 15 minutes waiting for them to get to the door or you shut it and they are already there and it has just slammed in their face. But don't get me wrong there are certain occasions where door opening goes perfectly, well it did not the other day. It was the end of the day, everyone was rushing out of the doors. I was about to go out a door when a junior opened it for me. Accidentally brushing my hand against his. It was the most embarrassing thing to happen in my freshman career so far. When he looked back to see why I had held my hand against his hand for so long I already had moved myself far, far away from him and was walking fast to get ahead of him. Phew! Well finally vacation has started! "B" and I are listening to songs from 2004 to 2005, in other words remembering our childhood.

That is all


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Middle-Aged Men Singing to Miley Cyrus, Otherwise Known as the Father Daughter Dance

It's an event when daughters and their fathers come together for a dance; a tradition that was formed when I was three years old. It is also just like a family reunion, being introduced to people who haven't seen you since you were about as high as their knees. This dance means a lot to me and my father, it's worth the price of the ticket and all will have an enjoyable experience. But with every year comes new music and each year the new music becomes more explicit than the year previous. While we were standing in line to get our pictures taken a new song comes blasting out of the speakers. This song is defiantly not appropriate for little ones who are not even five years of age yet, heck it's not even appropriate for me to be hearing. Plus this song is all electronic, not even a guitar or real drum beat, instead a beat from a computer. As I looked around me, disgusted I saw what this song was doing. Teaching young girls to act the way it says to in the song lyrics. Little mouths speaking the lyrics of a person who probably doesn't know what they were writing at the time could have an impact. Most of the words should have been edited out, and the D.J. should have had the sense to not play the song at all. As we moved further in the line, what else should come on but Miley Cyrus's hit "Party In The U.S.A." Every little girl screamed when they heard the first strums of the guitar in the song. At least this song is much more appropriate than the one that was just played. With all of the music I listen to it surprises me to hear my father singing some of the songs I know when we are in the car. It makes me smile every time because he will mix up the lyrics here and there but it is good for a laugh to hear someone from a different era in music sing the songs you love. As Miley Cryus rang throughout the hall, I saw something that reminded me of my own dad. It was very heartwarming to see a father up near the front of the stage with his daughter singing every word of "Party In The U.S.A." with all his heart. It reminded my of the countless times with my dad in the car singing to U2 and Seal and Van Morrison, and also to Fall Out Boy, and the bands I like. It just showed me so much love.

Back on the dance floor, with blistered toes we kept on dancing. We requested the song "She is Love" by Parachute. I was very excited to hear it protrude through the speakers. Parachute is a band that I have come to love in the past month, every song on their album "Losing Sleep" is unique and amazing. The King of Pop was also remembered with "Billie Jean" My dad has impeccable dance moves that even Michael couldn't top. Of course this is completely false, my father's dance moves are that of a disco dancer. He bops from side to side and once he even moved in a complete circle. When I asked why he did such a thing he replied, "There's a whole dance floor someone's got to use it." Yes dad and that someone had to be you didn't it? Yes.

Overall the dance was a night to remember.

That is all


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teacher's that probably should retire

It's not their fault, it really isn't. They have been teaching longer than most of us have been alive. So when their eyesight goes, they can't remember something you just said to them, and they don't recognize you after Christmas vacation, remember that they have taught many a students. So give them some slack!

Today two of my teachers Mr. History, and Professoressa (my Italian teacher) are like the teacher I described above. Mr. History is in his sixties and I think Professoressa is as well. They both have glasses and have taught for many years. Most of the time when we teenagers talk too fast they get confused or ask us to repeat something or only catch part of what we said. This happened today in both History and Italian class. It first started off with Italian. When I walked into the class I heard Professoressa say "It's a miracle!!" Wondering what the miracle was I questioned her. She was very excited that a student made the arrow on her laptop bigger so she was now able to see it on the screen. What a miracle. Next we were spelling out new vocabulary. Let's call him Elementary, for he went to elementary school with me. Anyway Elementary guessed the first letter of a challenging word he said "C!" Professoressa replied, "What is it? D?" Elementary said "No C!" Professoressa, "T? That's not the right answer!" It's OK Elementary we know you got the right answer. She is a lovely teacher, but has lost her eyesight and now hearing.

Next period was history. There are many interesting things that go on in this class. While talking about the American Industrial Revolution, we talked about how Nathaniel Hawthorne while observing nature heard a locomotive engine. Sound affects and all Mr. History pretended to be a locomotive for about five seconds. He said "I guess I don't make a good impression of a train because you smirked." I guess not.

I also learned how to say not the most polite thing, shut up, in Italian today.

Chuidi la bocca!!

That is all


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

There's a Hole in That Bucket!! and Lovely Jerks

Today was the second day of the week after mid-terms. A time when students think they still have a break and can relax, sadly they are wrong. It is a time when you work even harder to review mid-terms and try to bring a grade up that might have slipped due to pressure. How must we relieve this pressure? I think the most suitable way is through song. Whether one is singing or just letting the rhythm flow through their headphones music can relieve any pressure one is feeling. A song that is near and dear to both "B's" and my heart is "There's a hole in the bucket". This song could be rather annoying to most, but to us it reminds us of childhood. We sang it today in the halls of our high school (not very loud of course) but it was enlightening. We also realized it was necessary to make a video of the song, showing us trying to fix the hole in the bucket with straw, but the straw would be to long, and then we would have to cut it, and we would use a knife, but it would be to dull, and then we would have to sharpen it. If you don't know the song, what I just stated made no sense to you whatsoever.

Today we also had gym class. This quarter we are doing circuit training. Which means we went to the weight room to lift no other than weights. The Jerk, if you have been keeping tab on our blog is a middle school crush I have had. Well he is in my class. We lifted at each station for about thirty seconds before we would move to the next station. I was sitting on a machine and guess who came over to the one next to me? THE JERK! We went from station to station and he did not say a word. I actually think he admired me for not complaining when the other girls in the class were saying things like "It's too heavy, I can't do this!". Finally at almost the end of the class The Jerk started talking. He said something and then said "Hey, how's it going?" I replied "Good." Then I he flexed his muscles, mind you he is on the wrestling team. As a school girl my heart melted and I asked did you just lift the 45-pound weight from the previous station. He said "Yeah" and I replied "That's crazy." Anyway it went on from there and was actually not that bad talking to him after a while of not talking to him at all. Also before the class I dropped a mat that we used to do ab workouts and I went to pick it back up and he came behind me and said "Don't worry about it I got it." That was very nice of him. Well sorry for that rant on The Jerk, and my crushing over him but I can't help it.

Piano lessons today and not much homework, which is relieving because of last night's load of every subject.

That is all
