Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting on with life's adventures.

Today, while i was thinking of what to write about, i thought back into the last few days I realized that there were many things that have happened, but nothing I really felt needed to be posted where anyone could read them. It's my business, and I don't think anyone really cares enough about what i ate for breakfast or Where i went last Sunday. The point is, It is my life, and if i want people to know about it, i will tell them. Not to say I am against blogging, I think it is a great thing for people with interesting lives who are easy to relate to. For example, if this were a blog about a new job, then everyone with a new job could relate. But although a typical teenager could relate, I don't know any typical teenager who actually reads this, and if their were, it would either be one of my friends who already knows about everything, or someone i know that i am not comfortable knowing my personal business. Basically, I you don't know what happened, I don't want you to, or its not important enough. I really don't think by writing this, I am helping any teenager relate, which was my purpose for this blog. The other purpose was to have record of things as they were happening, almost like an online diary, but then I realized if i desperately felt the need to remember these things, i would have written them on a much more personal level in an actual diary. I've been thinking about this for quite some time, but what really made me decide was when i heard tiger woods' speech yesterday, and then heard a news station analyze every move of his 'audience' "well you'll notice this lady over here didn't make eye contact with him.' Who cares! they used a variety of circles and arrows and special affects to show how these people reacted to what he was saying. It was then I began to Wonder why people are so obsessed with this. Sure, it was wrong of him to do, and sure he was a role model for people and what not, but there are lots of non famous people who have made this mistake who must have been a role model for at least someone. They don't have to make a public apology. I also think it is good that he made an apology to everyone, but if the press wasn't so obsessed with this, it would have been much more personal and only between his friends and family. Of coarse now the press is going to go after the people he spoke to, invading their personal lives. Any way, that made me realize that my opinions on life are personal, and that no one needs know my every move. Not saying it would ever get to that level of publicity, but I really have nothing important i want anyone to know. So, I will be continuing my life's adventure, not worrying about the next blog post, or anything else for that matter, I have enough to deal with, I don't need to flaunt it to the world. "m" will probably continue with this blog, because I'm sure she blogs for different reason than I do and has different views on the situation, But This will be my last post. Unless of course I become part of something I feel is really important that could really help people view life in a different way, or when I am older and have a reason to blog (i.e. a new job etc.) So I 'B' here by resign from this blog. Wasn't that such an official letter? It makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world resigning from the most important job in the world. Well, enjoy your lives (:



p.s. Sorry for all my gramitcal errors and spelling mistkakes (:

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