Friday, February 12, 2010

The Hand Incident, and Talking to Strangers

It's the first lesson one learns as a child. It is very important and adults tend to repeat it often until it drives one mad. It is the old "Don't talk to strangers" lesson. I was very good at this as a child, and now I think I'm even better at it, just ask "B" I get very nervous talking to people, especially over the phone and if I don't know them. Locked out of my house the other day after school, not having my phone or my key, my only choice was to walk to my grandmother's house just down the street. On my way there I saw a girl that is younger than me who is on my bus. Trying to break free from this awkwardness I have towards talking to people I told her my dilemma. I stated "I Forgot the darn keys and my phone!" now I'm not sure if she knew who I was or that I am on her bus but she gave a fake laugh. Well at least I talked! Might have scared the poor child but at least I talked! Earlier something similar to this incident happened. Opening doors is just awkward. Either you hold the door for someone for 15 minutes waiting for them to get to the door or you shut it and they are already there and it has just slammed in their face. But don't get me wrong there are certain occasions where door opening goes perfectly, well it did not the other day. It was the end of the day, everyone was rushing out of the doors. I was about to go out a door when a junior opened it for me. Accidentally brushing my hand against his. It was the most embarrassing thing to happen in my freshman career so far. When he looked back to see why I had held my hand against his hand for so long I already had moved myself far, far away from him and was walking fast to get ahead of him. Phew! Well finally vacation has started! "B" and I are listening to songs from 2004 to 2005, in other words remembering our childhood.

That is all


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