Thursday, February 18, 2010

Two Days Away From Home

This post will include everything that has happened over the course of two days. So let's start with yesterday. My mom and my friend "R" went to the Boston Museum of Science. "R" is a huge Harry Potter fan so we went to see the exhibition. It was very cool to see all of the intricate details that you wouldn't know of by just seeing the movie. All of the actual props and costumes where there behind ropes and in glass boxes, and I even got to sit in the character Hagrad's chair! On our way to the museum we stopped to get, as my mom calls it "spit", but really windshield washer fluid. It was early, around ten in the morning and everyone at the rest stop was either there to use the bathroom or get breakfast. A car pulled up next to us and a man came out and looked a little groggy from an early morning awakening. The next thing I know he was stretching. Hands pointed towards the sun, looking like he was about to go into a series of jumping jacks. He was there for a good five minutes before he entered the convenient store. That was how the day started off. Our first exhibit we saw was a butterfly one. Previously I had known I liked to look at butterflies but to me they were a little scary up close, I did not however know that I am petrified of the winged creatures. We ventured into the room surrounded by plants and lots and lots of butterflies. One swooped down and almost skimmed my head, I quickly ducked down and almost hit my friend "R" who thought my phobia of attacking butterflies was just hilarious. I found my way out of there as soon as possible. Besides doors, elevators are also very awkward and can be dangerous. On our way home we took the elevator which could have been a mistake. We got on and then a family followed us in and told us what troubles they had with elevators throughout the day. Wonderful; spoiling a good day with a group that has had bad luck in elevators. The worst thing about them was that they had small children, apart from being a little loud and excited they hit the wrong button that took us to the basement or some deserted parking garage. Apprehensive, but we let them push the button we thought would take us to where we needed to go, and thankfully it did. The family's grandmother started to sing a song from the t.v. show "Mr. Rodgers". She sang out sarcastically "What a loverly day in the neighborhood." And yes, she said loverly. However it wasn't the floor the family needed to get off on; the doors closed and they were off to another floor, hopefully the one they needed.

Now I will fill you in on what happened today. My mom has two sisters, one who lives about ten minutes away and one that lives about two hours away so today we did what we always do when we get together - shop. My aunts could talk for forever and ever and they could also shop forever and forever. They are the best and sometimes say or do the weirdest things that will make anyone laugh. Today my aunt Lorraine was looking at a price of something and, as most middle age people have to do, she put her glasses on to see the microscopic print on the label. After this she left her glasses hanging from her ears and around her chin. She continued through the store this way and even when we were cashing out. I love her but this was priceless. Leaving the store I bumped into, with a cart, the door which clearly read "Automatic" in big green letters. What I didn't notice was the small sign at the bottom of the door which read "Not Automatic - Push". Automatic doors are nice, when they are working and you don't have to push them.

That is all

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