Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Who wears pants anymore?

yesterday Emm and i went shopping. We went to the mall and I purchased three shirts. The man in American eagle made emm swipe her card, causing all kinds of comotion. Then, He had a conversation with the Other cashier next to him about not having any little bags for her earings. She proceeded to show him long, fabric bags to witch he snapped his response "those are for sunglasses." Then, He went on about how they no longer sell sunglasses. This is all going on while emm is signing the credit card screen, so she didn't hear this conversation. The man then asks her is she would like a bag, and not realizing that they only had large bags, she said yes. The man then made a remark about how the bag was too large for her small purchase. Looking back, emm could have just put her item in the bag she was already carrying, but considering the store no longer sold sunglasses, it would have been perfectly logical to use the sunglasses bag for earrings. Anyway, on my way into the store an employee complemented the sweater i was wearing. I borrowed it from my dad so it was quite large, but i wore it with leggings. She said "i like your sweater" and i said "thanks" normally, a conversation would end there with a complete stranger, and she would continue to tell us about her sale on jeans, but instead, she stood there awkwardly for a minute, and the said "it looks warm" I told her it was my dads and i couldn't find anything else to wear, hence why i was shopping in her store. she then said "oh i do that all the time with a belt and my dad is always like 'wow you actually made it look girly'" I laughed a little and said "yeah" then i guess she was done because she said "Well if you need anything let me know, and all jeans are on sale." I guess some people are actually nice. Then, emm made me walk in the 2 degree weather with just leggings. of corse i borrowed her coat and a hat and scarf, but i do not like pants. Pants never fit right, they're either to tight or too big or the are long enough but the waist is too big. Leggings however, always fit. Well thats all for today.

<3 bee

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Card is Upside down, and walking in Antarctica

Today "B" and I went to the mall. Filled with people spending gift cards and returning unwanted Christmas presents. Today was most likely the coldest day of the year here and there are only 3 days left of this year. The temperature was probably bearable but the wind swirling around and practically knocking people over was the worst. If you stepped outside today a gust of wind was likely to hit you and suffocate you. I received two gift cards for Christmas to the mall. I went to use one today and it went horribly wrong. I think the cashier knew I did not have much experience with credit cards because I swiped the gift card upside down. Then I had to sign in the impossible signature screen that makes everyone's attempt at signing their name look like a two year old's drawing from art class. Then, not being very Eco-friendly, I asked for a bag for my earrings that drowned in the huge bag the cashier gave to me. Even he made a comment on this, "Big 'ol bag for those little earrings." Being socially awkward and shy I said yeah, and laughed. But you know what buddy? I recycle, this bag will be used for other purposes and it will not end up in the garbage anytime soon. "B" was wearing her dad's sweater today with leggings; not the smartest idea for today. She actually received a compliment on it from a salesperson in American Eagle. We also took my 4 month old puppy for a walk today while most people were enjoying the warmth of their home sitting on the couch. This is what we do; we are crazy and drink slush puppies in the winter. All bundled up quite like Randy from "A Christmas Story", we walked down the street. The walk however was interrupted by complaints the whole way through from "B". She said as follows, "I hate the cold, its freezing, can we hurry up dog?" But we live in New England what are you to expect but cold winters? We cut the walk short because of the cold weather and the fact that we might get pneumonia. As my mom says, "Are your trying to catch pneumonia?" I guess we were today.

That is all

Buona Sera,

Love "M"

Thursday, December 24, 2009

christmas joy.

Today, although i was woken up by the phone 3 times verry early this morning, i managed to sleep in untill abou eleven. This was well needed rest i am glad to have gotten, but i wish i was still asleep. The holidays have aproched quite quickly. When i finaly woke up this morning from a lovely dream iwas having, it hit me that it was christmas eve. Upon relizing this I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but it was no use. i had slept for eleven and a half hours and i could not sleep any more. With a loud sigh i rolled out of bed, dragging my feet across the floor, swung open my bedroom door and slamed it shut. When the door made a loud bang, i thought for a while why i was dreding the approching days. Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and cheerfulnes, but i was not in the christmas spirit. I thought about all through out baking christmas cookies and then it came to me. I do no like christmas because it involves much social contact. Talking to distant family members on the phone, hugging people you havent seen since you were like ten months old and listen to them say "is that you?! you've gotten so big, the last time i saw you you were only a year old! do you rememberme?" of corse i dont remember you. I was a baby.Why would you even ask that. And the worst part of it is, saying no makes you feel terrible for not remembering them, but you obviously dont. Any way, i am usuly able to get through the holidays fine, but since school started everyday is a social adventure i do not look foward to, with questions like "what school did you go to last year? are you a freshman?" All would be fine except after that breaf conversation they never talk to you again, so its really just a waste of time. I suppose you could say i am a "socialy awakward" person. I really just dont like to talk to people i dont know, and will never know, no matter how many failed attempts at pointless conversations i have with them. Of corse i am nice to them, and am social with all the people who are close in life, But the holidays are just one of those times where strangers talk to you just to be nice, and if your not smiling there is automaticly something wrong. Maybe i'm just not jumping for joy over the fact that "elf" is on T.V. for the 77th time since december 1. It doesnt mean im sitting in the corner crying. i just dont feel like smiling. Dont get me wrong, I am very cheery on christmas, i just dont like that because it is christmas i MUST be cheery. Sortof like everyone is all jolly and happy when really no one want s to be there sortof thing, where really everyone would probably be honestly jolly and happy if they weren't being forced to. people dont like to be forced into emotions. I guess i am just a discrase to the holidays. Well, im going to go listen to music and finish wrapping gifts. I actualy enjoy preparing for the holidays, its just the social awkwardness of christmas day i could do without. Well, bye.

<3 bee

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas time and Glee re-runds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's that time again folks, Christmas trees in most every window, strung with lights and packages underneath the branches. The Celebration of Christ's birth. The season where stores are filled and ovens are filled with sweet and savory goodies for all to enjoy. Tonight is baking night at my house. My mom and I are baking and making dishes to bring to my aunt's house on Christmas Day. The show Glee sadly ended for the season a few weeks ago. This is my favorite show in the entire world. Although it returns in the spring I cannot wait. This show combines great musicians as well as actors. It incorporates many new songs and old classics. It is a good show for the whole family. With the quirky lines of the character Sue Silvester played by Jane Lynch, and the romance between a very attractive Spanish/ Glee director Will Schuester played by Matt Morrison and the guidance counselor Emma Pillsbury played by Jayma Mays. I tuned in every week to catch up on the story and download the new songs each week on Itunes. Although I haven't really seen The Secret Life Of An American Teenager I believe that Glee is a slight bit better. The situation is this, I see the commercial for it about ten billion times a day when ABC Family advertises it and that annoys me. It is also probably the reason why I never bothered to watch the show. Both Glee and Secret Life deal with teen pregnancy. This is a serious situation; I do appreciate though that Secret Life at the end of each show gives teens information about it and ways to receive help if they need it. But being the music lover I am, I need music wherever I can get it and Glee has offered that to me with great acting and a wonderful story line. Not saying I will switch shows but maybe I'll sit down with "B" and watch and episode, but that's a maybe.

Buona Sera

Season 1 of Glee now out on DVD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go out and buy it!!!

love, "M"

how photo-editor saved christmas.

Nothing is worse than a bad christmas card picture. then all your friends and reletives see the worst picture of you ever taken. Luckily, they have this thing called photo editing. Incase your not farmiliar with it, there are multiple different web options, and some computers come with one programmed in. Depending on whitch one you choose, there are many different options. Today, i was franticly trying to capture a picture of russ and I for a christmas present and also a school project. Unfortunatly he decided not to be home today, leaving me in a difficult situation. I have only one picture of us together, and its not my best. I took it multiple hours after i had been outside in the rain and wind, so my makeup was basicly gone, and my perfectly straight hair was curling and frizzy. This of corse is not how i would like to be remembered, or shown off. Unfortunatly with only two days untill christmas, i really had no other option. So, I first attempted to edit my blemishes on, but unless you pay like 20 dollars a month, all it does is blur the spot, witch works for one or two spots, but not for the entire face. I then tried the program paint. It was easy to match the color correctly with a feature it comes with, but the result looked too much like a painting, plus i couldnt get the eye makeup right. So i finaly turned to google. typing in " free online photo editor (makeup)" came up with a makeover website. I clicked it, to see what it was, adn the intention was to upload a picture of yourself with your hair tied back and give yourself a complete makeover, hair and all. Instead, i uploaded my crappy picture, adjusted it to my face and just used the makeup portion. It worked amazingly well as i was able to match my signature green eyeshadow, the only downside was the foundation didnt match exactly, but like he is going to notice. Of corse the picture is still not the best, but at least its alittle better. And the best part is, no one needs to know it was eddited. except the people i showed off my amazing work to (;. SECRET LIFE COMES BACK JANUARY 4TH!!! me and "m" have this on going "argument" about the show on abc family "secret life of the american teenager" I like it because it shows (as the title states) the secret lives of many teenagers. it also, although all the charecters tie together, shows different types of people, so its not like the whole show is about teenage pregnancy. Its about how all different kinds of people deal with it as part of ther complicated lives. emm argues that it is "bad acting about fake teen pregnancy" I however feel it has the same purpose as this blog, even though the story line is a bit different. She however prefers "glee" witch i havent seen, but from what ive heard it sounds like a bunch of band geeks. Not that there is anything wrong with that, and it idealy has the same idea as secret life, to explain a spesific groups of teenage lives. like i said, i've yet to see it, but secret life is still a good show. One thing i think we can agree on though, is the show "ten things i hate about you". Its kindof like a cross between the two shows. Like if it were in one of those overlaping circle chart things, it would be in the middle. Well, bye for now

<3 Bee

Sunday, December 20, 2009

From punky to tanya.

Over the past few weeks i have developed many nicknames. I was reffered to as "punky bruster" for my lovely outfits. Today, with the lovely gift of the bumpit, i became tanya tuckier (thanks to my lovely mother). The bumpit has caused quite the camotion. When i first recieved the bumpit i had trouble securing it in my head. Once that was over, i decided to show it off to all of the nabor hood. So me and emm took my dog in her wheres waldo sweater and went for a walk. Not getting the reaction i hoped for it our quick route, we decided to go the long way. Please note that i was wearing pink capri leggins rather than pants. So we walked in the 2 degree weather the long way untill we almost died. Now we are back where it is nice and warm. My bumpit is still nicley secured. Well, untill next time....

<3 bee

2 degree adventures

Hello bloggers today in Western Massachusetts it is 2 degrees out. "B" and I went for a walk with her dog. We took the longest way possible and almost got frostbite. You are quite lucky I am able to type because my fingers almost froze completly off. Today I am going to decorate my Christmas tree and listen to many Christmas songs and as my mom says it listen to "Good old Bing." refering to Bing Crosby. Today I went to a wonderful service at church and saw, lets call him church boy. I have fallen in love with him, haven't really talked to him yet but he's really nice and gives me a smile everytime I see him. Now that I have gotten over the one who shall not be named also known as the jerk, church boy is the perfect match. "B" and I hope to talk to him at the Christmas party coming up and hopefully we can hang out sometime. But for now a smile is good enough for me! well "B" is going to post now. And tell you all about her lovely gift that I gave her. (The Bumpit)

Buona Sera,

love "M"

Friday, December 18, 2009


My puppy Rubie!!! in her "Santa's little Yelper" shirt

the things i put up with.

Alot of people may be farmiliar with the song "break your little heart" by all time low. its not really the nicest song, but its good. and i happen to like it. So, as i do with most songs i like, i had a few lines on my aim status message for a while "im gonna break your little heart , watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital, because thees nothing surgery cant do, when i break your little heart in two" Now, everyone who knows me knows i am very nice and would never dream of causing that kindof pain even to my worst enemy's. But of corse you cant have a song on your status unless its dedicated to someone. I cannot begin to tell you how many IM's ive gotten saying "your so mean" or even worse, from russ's friends saying "your a b**** how could you do that to him!?" yep. thats what i get for liking a song.

ok so here is a quote emm sent me that has officilat made my life "Today, I walked into Old Navy to buy myself a pair of jingle jammies. Save yourself the embarrassment: don't shake the jammies in the middle of the store to hear the jingling, because these jammies do not jingle. You'll just look like an idiot. FML" oh yes. i love life for this person. This quote is from the website we did not write this.

Drug sniffing dogs, wrapping Christmas presents, and parents.

Hello readers, if anyone does read this blog. "B" has broken the rule for her extra credit and is blogging! Actually that was a false statement, she has a high grade in that class and there is no need for her to do extra credit. Anyway today was very much like a normal day if your daily routeen includes going to school testing food for lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and sugars, and watching the police department give a demonstration on drug sniffing dogs. I think this is essential because most of high school students in our area do drugs. This test probably won't scare them but it will maybe make them think twice and head in the right direction towards getting help. This is just my outlook on it but I'm an optimist. The dog they used for this test was the most adorable German Shepard I have ever seen but it was slipping on the floor. I thought the school only waxed the gym floors about once or twice a year but I guess I am mistaken because this pup was trying to get up and start running, but struggled to get going. We were all in need of a good laugh at the end of the week.

I went Christmas shopping last night! I'm sure the mall was filled to the brim with people but unlike everyone else I went to F.Y.E and Joann fabrics. I decided to get a little creative this year and make people things. Of course I still have those friends who tell you exactly what they want but this gave me an opportunity for those who are undecided on what they would like to receive or take a long time and ponder. I decided to make blankets. I volunteer for the CYC and our last project was to make blankets for parents in poverty who can't afford to buy much for their kids for Christmas. I quickly learned how to make a blanket from two pieces of fleece. What I got "B" for Christmas remains a mystery to her, but lets just say she will have many good hair days after Christmas day. I don't care what everyone else says I want a Snuggie. Yes they are a inside out bathrobe and yes they are twenty dollars but doesn't everyone want to look like the people on the commercial? Even better yet now there is a Snuggie for your dog!!! Matching with your dog there is no other gift quite like the Snuggie. Plus they are warm and keep your arms free and also snug. And for a bonus it comes with a free book light! WOOH. Words cannot describe how badly I would like one of these.

Lastly is chores. Don't you hate it when it's the end of the week and all you want to do is relax and enjoy a few spare moments of time before the work begins again and then all of a sudden it returns out of nowhere. Well my parents and I have agreed if there are dirty dishes from an after school snack, that I should rinse them and put them in the dishwasher ( as long as the dishwasher is excepting dirty dishes). I come home today and accidentally leave dishes out. I went into the kitchen to play with my new puppy Rubie when all of a sudden I hear, "The dishwasher is excepting dirty dishes!" Ugh this can be very annoying. Well I'm off to wrap Christmas presents and talk to "B".

Buona Sera,

Love "M"

sex, drugs, and alcohal=highschool

Did you ever wonder why highschool isn't really like t.v? Thats because it's illegal to show half of the things that actualy happen. If you only knew. Of corse theres just as much drama, if not more, but its much more vapid in real life. Today for example, there was some type of fight right before fourth period. i dont know what happened but it was just breaking up when i got to my math class, the scene of the crime. I did get to see the huge blood stain though. i wonder if emm knows what happened. So then later there was another threat to pull the alarm, but it didnt happen (thank gosh). Then finaly we had an assembaly in the gym to watch this pathetic drug dog slip on the newley waxed floor while the other dogs searched the lockers for drugs. It was pretty pointles though because everyone knew ahead of time so they all had time to clean out there lockers. Duh! people are stupid. i'm not afraid to say it either. people. are. stupid. not everyone, but most. Oh yeah, so i didnt have to do my extra credit assignment because i have a 98 in that class. giving up all forms of communication was not really worth the to points. big deal its not a perfect 100, but atleast i have a life. its not like i am failing. Right now i am blairing taylor swift while my step-mom is sitting next to me with ear plugs in so she can pay her bills. "AND I COULD TELL YOU, HIS FAVORITE COLORS GREEN, HE LOVES TO ARGUE, BORN ON THE 17TH HIS SISTER'S BEAUTIFUL, HE'S GOT HIS FATHERS EYES, AND IF YOU ASKED ME IF I LOVED HIM, ID LIE." actualy, this sog would be perfect if it was changed to "and i could tell you, his favorite colors green, he loves to argue, born on halloween, his sisters beautiful, hes got his mothers eyes and if you asked me if i loved him, id lie" other than that the entire song is true. oh and by the way that is "i'd lie" by taylor swift. well thats your music lesson for the day.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


i just wrote a poem a while ago and i think i will share it. i actualy got the idea from a movie. is basicly about the story line of the movie but i dont remember witch movie it is haha.

heaven is a state of mind and you are mine
its a picture painted from nothing, you pait it with me and it suddenly becomes something,
you hold me close forever as time turns into dust
our minds and souls have intertwined as we hold on to trust
time is erased, memories are replaced as our heartbeats race
our body's dissolve into nothnig as our souls overlapse
Heaven is where i find out your my other half.

flying frenchfries, shots, and rain drops

Have you ever had one of those days where you get a song stuck in your head that you havent hard in years? welcome to the sory of today. "RAIN DROPS ARE FALLING ON MY HEAD *CLAP CLAP*" even ask emm, i've been singing it all day. More importantly though, today my life was a verry awakward school lunch. One of those girls who thinks shes all that and a bag of chips (or in this case a french fry) but no one likes her, not even the rejects, was sitting at our lunch table. Automaticly this becomes an awakward situation because as i previously stated, no one likes her. So a friend of ours was talking about something i wasnt really listening to untill i heard " throw it behind you and make a wish". She was obviously kidding but miss even-the-misfits-cant-stand-me took it literaly. Out of no where a badly aimed french fry goes flying behind her onto the table of the upperclassmen behind her. How stupid can you be. I mean seriosly, to actualy make a wish on a french fry in the first place is the stupidest thing ive ever heard, but to throw it at a table of upperclassmen is just rediculous. Now you know why no one likes her.

So after school i had a docters appointment in witch my mom assured me would not contain any shots. NONE! of corse, i walk in only to hear from my step mother i have to get my secound gardasil shot and maybe the swine flu. I walk into the room with an elephant-giraafe-tiger- border as the first nurse gives me attitude. Then, she told me to pee in a cup, and rather than take the cup from me, she gave it a discusted look and told me to put it on the counter. I understand people being grossed out by touching pee, but it's her job. Plus shes not touching the pee shes touching the cup and she has to stick the PH test strip in it anyway. So i purposley put the cup on her sticky notes so she would have to move it :P. i know, im such a little demon (:. So then my 'nurse practition' comes in and asks all the usual question : "do you or have you ever used drugs alchohal or tabacoo? are you sexualy active? hows life at home?" then, she breaks the knews. I'm due for 6 shots. yes you heard correctly 6! Luckly the maximum i can take at once is 4. And even more luckily, the 5th was avalible in a nasal, therefore i could still take it and four shots, but since i have asthma i half to get the shot version witch they are out of and might not get more of untill next flu season or else i could hae an asthma attack. Unfortunatly i have to get three more shots in four months. Then to top it all off, i didnt even see my actual doctor, witch i didnt care about, but my mom had a fit becase she specificly requested i see him and was promised it couild be arranged. This appointment should hav been last week but his flight got delayed from his 'buisness trip' so they posponed it, and I still didnt see him. Owell. I wonder what will be on the menu for tomorow. Oh and i almost forgot. for an english project i cannot text or communicate in anyway other than the telephone. that means no blogging. Im sure that wont be too much of an issue concidering no one reads this (its mainly just so in 76 years we can look back on our high school lives) but i dont know when i will be back, it depends how long i can last living "the old fashioned way." what has the world come to. Well, untill i crack on this project, goodbye! i hope emm covers all my stories while im gone!! bye!

<3 beee

Someone Pulled the Fire Alarm

Hello internet readers today not much happened, but the few things that did were very interesting. Health class, well lets just say that there are many immature guys in this class, and the Gum Chewing Giant is in this class. Although she didn't have any gum in her mouth she was loud as ever. Do you know those people who have really awkward questions and statements but don't realize it? That person is the Gum Chomping Giant. This class has a wide variety of students and our teacher looks like the cat from Alice in Wonderland. Seventh period rolls around and we are all excited to wrap up our essays on the book 1984 written by George Orwell. This is my favorite book that we have read so far this year, so I was disappointed to hear the fire alarm ringing in my ears just before class. What kids do not realize I guess is that we live in Massachusetts and the temperature is in the teens in the afternoon. The kid who pulled the fire alarm must not have had a brain because we all had to stand out in the frigid weather, some of us even without jackets, for they pulled the alarm in between classes. Thank goodness for our english teacher who let us to run to our lockers to retrieve our jackets! The brilliant kid who pulled the alarm also didn't realize that it costs the school money every time the fire department comes to the school. If we have to pay every time this happens then there won't be rewards or dances or all of the things that we work hard to get. Think again next time you try to act cool and pull the alarm please. That is all the updates for today if anyone reads this blog except me and "B".

Buona Sera


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"were going to the car wash!"

Today has been one of those days. You know the ones where you just dont want to do anything, and then you just keep finding more and more things that must be done. It's like durring an eight year old's summer vacation when all you want to do is go home and lay out in the sun with your friends and then your mom breaks it to you that you have to run errends. Then to top it all off, you find out your headed to the carwash. I'm pretty sure every kid hates the car wash. First, you have to vacuum out the car, witch involves standing outside while your mom throws away trash and starts the obnoxious machine. if your lucky, you can buy her an air freshener. If you are really lucky, she gives you a paper dollar instead of quarters so you can put it in the change machine. Then, as if that wasn't painful enough, now you actually have to wash the car. first, you drive through and the creepy old man attaches your car to the belt. then you everso slowly inch your way to the shower, then to the soap. now here is the scary part, first these big spinning toilet brush things come and bang the side of your car. Then, the noodles. Picture this, giant green pasta slapping the front of your car. It's the sort of thing that gives eight year olds nightmares and makes them not want to watch seseme street anymore. Finaly, they pass by and you get the giant dryers. Then you pull of into a huge mud puddle, only to find out (between your mother cursing under her breath that her clean car just got dirty again) that you get to go to walmart. joy. Thats pretty much the way my day went today.
I walked in this morning and saw a friend who has decided not to talk to me latley for reasons unknown. Then when emm finaly got there we went to her locker untill our other friend came. it was over all a pretty boring day. usual routine. Just a whole bunch of stuff no one really wanted to do. I learned virtually nothing so today was pretty much a waste of time i otherwise would have spent sleeping and calling my boyfriend (russ) untill his mom finaly answered the phone, only to tell me he was still asleep. Then, i would have fallen back asleep. But no, instead i had to sit in my obnoxious math class and listen to willy wonka attempt to controll his terrible class. its gotten to the point now, where the only time the class isnt being obnoxious is when one of the obnoxious girls has a headache and screams to the class to shut the f*** up. Of corse the only thing willy wonka has to say aboutthis remark is "i dont mind you yelling at my class because their affecting your learning, but keep it clean." come on. seriously willy? THATS YOUR JOB! and either way, obnoxious girl only keeps them quiet for two minutes at most, then she gives up and throws notes to the girl who sits behind me. You gotta love high school. *sigh* well i am going to listen to secoundhand serenade now, and wait for emm to update.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ohsorry,hi, thankyou!

As "m" has already introduced this blog, i dont think it is neccessary for me to do the same. I must warn you im not the best speller or typer, as i can easily turn a word such as "fish" into a mess like "gfheifjidhdisfdf". That being said i will jump right to the adventure of my day. I (being a naturally shy person) dont talk much, especialy because the few people i know at my new school i havent seen or spoken to since elementry school. i often give myself "a pat on the back" as they say in kindergarten for talking to new people.

note to reader: now that i am in high school, i frequently feel more and more like an elementry school student. More so then i did when actualy attending elementry school.

Any way, it takes a verry long time for me to think of something to say, make sure its not stupid, and then repeat it over and over in my head untill i finaly get the guts to say it, so when someone starts conversation with me, it really catches me off guard. Today for example, "prety perfect i -get-every-thing-i-want girl said "hey your bag is soo cute." now, i get lots of complaments on my bag, and other things, mostly because i supposedly look like this girl and people mistake me for her often, but i was expecting her to say "excuse me" because i was blocking her locker. So, i was not only cought off guard by her talking to me, but also by her unexpectedly complementing me instead of telling me to move. My immediate resopnce was "oh sorry, hi thank you!" she just ignored my comment witch was fallowed by a little laugh to try to get myself out of that awkward situation, and turned back into her locker. i stood there for a minute, trying to comprehend what type of jumbled mess just came out of my mouth, hoping she would say something so i could try to atleast explain myself. no such luck. relizing my humiliating mistake,i kicked my self (not litteraly) and fallowed "m" towards our homerooms.

The rest of the day was half way normal. well actually, i take that back. there is no "normal" day at school, but the rest was uneventful, and will be saved for another bit of blogging. So for now, i am off to continue kicking myself for my mistake, think about doing my homework, and try not to forget my tilly (my dog)

Today has been an array of U. F. O's and jumping out of a window

Hello internet bloggers. We, and yes this blog is controlled by two high school freshmen,will update this regularly but it's dependent on our schedule. This blog is about the adventures of High School and things, quirky, funny things that go on there. All names and addresses are strictly confidential so we will substitute them out. So this begins the first story of our blog. Oh yeah I think it is pretty important to not get confused by knowing our "names". My name on this blog is "M". My other friend who will update this blog is "B".

Today, well today started off with getting to school and almost slipping on the conveniently salted sidewalk that was still covered in snow and ice. Not being the most popular kids in school we often get embarrassed or jittery when a "cool" kid comes to talk to us. Today B was at her locker and blocking another locker. Frantically moving out of the way I motioned to B to do the same. Cool kid comes and B will say something she regrets. Cool kid says to B, "B, I love your bag." Holy crap a compliment! B replies "Sorry, Hi, Thanks." This would be a combination of sorry for being in the way, Hello, and thanks for the compliment on my nice bag. B is still talking about this incident and it is nine hours later.

Next is history class. Now what can I say about this class. Well lets just say its only December and already we have had paper fights, a kid almost fall out of the window on purpose, and numerous awkward moments. Our teacher, lets call him Mr. History, is completely oblivious. Show him homework for another class and he will give you a grade for it in his. I swear our class could go to the Olympics for volleyball because every day there is always something to bat around. Today the U.F.O happened to be a stuffed animal moose. Mr. History gets irritated when we throw things, he even threatened to give a three-hour detention! As the furry animal flew through the air Mr. History never seemed to notice. Then the window was open to let the cold air flood in. I didn't figure out if they were trying to escape or get something that fell, but one kid, lets call him snowflake was halfway out the window. Mr. History was checking homework and snowflake was being held by the ankles his upper body out of the classroom. He actually managed to get back in with only a minor lecture about why he shouldn't stand near a window while taking a quiz.

Well this has been today. I know B has a lot more to say about her experience today as well so stay tuned! I promise that the stories will get more interesting as the year goes on, it's high school after all.

Buona Sera ( Good Evening, for those of you who don't speak Italian)

Love, M