Thursday, December 17, 2009

Someone Pulled the Fire Alarm

Hello internet readers today not much happened, but the few things that did were very interesting. Health class, well lets just say that there are many immature guys in this class, and the Gum Chewing Giant is in this class. Although she didn't have any gum in her mouth she was loud as ever. Do you know those people who have really awkward questions and statements but don't realize it? That person is the Gum Chomping Giant. This class has a wide variety of students and our teacher looks like the cat from Alice in Wonderland. Seventh period rolls around and we are all excited to wrap up our essays on the book 1984 written by George Orwell. This is my favorite book that we have read so far this year, so I was disappointed to hear the fire alarm ringing in my ears just before class. What kids do not realize I guess is that we live in Massachusetts and the temperature is in the teens in the afternoon. The kid who pulled the fire alarm must not have had a brain because we all had to stand out in the frigid weather, some of us even without jackets, for they pulled the alarm in between classes. Thank goodness for our english teacher who let us to run to our lockers to retrieve our jackets! The brilliant kid who pulled the alarm also didn't realize that it costs the school money every time the fire department comes to the school. If we have to pay every time this happens then there won't be rewards or dances or all of the things that we work hard to get. Think again next time you try to act cool and pull the alarm please. That is all the updates for today if anyone reads this blog except me and "B".

Buona Sera


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