Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today has been an array of U. F. O's and jumping out of a window

Hello internet bloggers. We, and yes this blog is controlled by two high school freshmen,will update this regularly but it's dependent on our schedule. This blog is about the adventures of High School and things, quirky, funny things that go on there. All names and addresses are strictly confidential so we will substitute them out. So this begins the first story of our blog. Oh yeah I think it is pretty important to not get confused by knowing our "names". My name on this blog is "M". My other friend who will update this blog is "B".

Today, well today started off with getting to school and almost slipping on the conveniently salted sidewalk that was still covered in snow and ice. Not being the most popular kids in school we often get embarrassed or jittery when a "cool" kid comes to talk to us. Today B was at her locker and blocking another locker. Frantically moving out of the way I motioned to B to do the same. Cool kid comes and B will say something she regrets. Cool kid says to B, "B, I love your bag." Holy crap a compliment! B replies "Sorry, Hi, Thanks." This would be a combination of sorry for being in the way, Hello, and thanks for the compliment on my nice bag. B is still talking about this incident and it is nine hours later.

Next is history class. Now what can I say about this class. Well lets just say its only December and already we have had paper fights, a kid almost fall out of the window on purpose, and numerous awkward moments. Our teacher, lets call him Mr. History, is completely oblivious. Show him homework for another class and he will give you a grade for it in his. I swear our class could go to the Olympics for volleyball because every day there is always something to bat around. Today the U.F.O happened to be a stuffed animal moose. Mr. History gets irritated when we throw things, he even threatened to give a three-hour detention! As the furry animal flew through the air Mr. History never seemed to notice. Then the window was open to let the cold air flood in. I didn't figure out if they were trying to escape or get something that fell, but one kid, lets call him snowflake was halfway out the window. Mr. History was checking homework and snowflake was being held by the ankles his upper body out of the classroom. He actually managed to get back in with only a minor lecture about why he shouldn't stand near a window while taking a quiz.

Well this has been today. I know B has a lot more to say about her experience today as well so stay tuned! I promise that the stories will get more interesting as the year goes on, it's high school after all.

Buona Sera ( Good Evening, for those of you who don't speak Italian)

Love, M

1 comment:

  1. oh "m" i miss that history class, i wish i could have been there to see snowlfake, or "runt" as i like to call him, almost fall out the window. instead, i was in math at that time, listening to mr.willy wonka awkwarly try to lecture my class about talking.
