Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"were going to the car wash!"

Today has been one of those days. You know the ones where you just dont want to do anything, and then you just keep finding more and more things that must be done. It's like durring an eight year old's summer vacation when all you want to do is go home and lay out in the sun with your friends and then your mom breaks it to you that you have to run errends. Then to top it all off, you find out your headed to the carwash. I'm pretty sure every kid hates the car wash. First, you have to vacuum out the car, witch involves standing outside while your mom throws away trash and starts the obnoxious machine. if your lucky, you can buy her an air freshener. If you are really lucky, she gives you a paper dollar instead of quarters so you can put it in the change machine. Then, as if that wasn't painful enough, now you actually have to wash the car. first, you drive through and the creepy old man attaches your car to the belt. then you everso slowly inch your way to the shower, then to the soap. now here is the scary part, first these big spinning toilet brush things come and bang the side of your car. Then, the noodles. Picture this, giant green pasta slapping the front of your car. It's the sort of thing that gives eight year olds nightmares and makes them not want to watch seseme street anymore. Finaly, they pass by and you get the giant dryers. Then you pull of into a huge mud puddle, only to find out (between your mother cursing under her breath that her clean car just got dirty again) that you get to go to walmart. joy. Thats pretty much the way my day went today.
I walked in this morning and saw a friend who has decided not to talk to me latley for reasons unknown. Then when emm finaly got there we went to her locker untill our other friend came. it was over all a pretty boring day. usual routine. Just a whole bunch of stuff no one really wanted to do. I learned virtually nothing so today was pretty much a waste of time i otherwise would have spent sleeping and calling my boyfriend (russ) untill his mom finaly answered the phone, only to tell me he was still asleep. Then, i would have fallen back asleep. But no, instead i had to sit in my obnoxious math class and listen to willy wonka attempt to controll his terrible class. its gotten to the point now, where the only time the class isnt being obnoxious is when one of the obnoxious girls has a headache and screams to the class to shut the f*** up. Of corse the only thing willy wonka has to say aboutthis remark is "i dont mind you yelling at my class because their affecting your learning, but keep it clean." come on. seriously willy? THATS YOUR JOB! and either way, obnoxious girl only keeps them quiet for two minutes at most, then she gives up and throws notes to the girl who sits behind me. You gotta love high school. *sigh* well i am going to listen to secoundhand serenade now, and wait for emm to update.


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