Wednesday, December 23, 2009

how photo-editor saved christmas.

Nothing is worse than a bad christmas card picture. then all your friends and reletives see the worst picture of you ever taken. Luckily, they have this thing called photo editing. Incase your not farmiliar with it, there are multiple different web options, and some computers come with one programmed in. Depending on whitch one you choose, there are many different options. Today, i was franticly trying to capture a picture of russ and I for a christmas present and also a school project. Unfortunatly he decided not to be home today, leaving me in a difficult situation. I have only one picture of us together, and its not my best. I took it multiple hours after i had been outside in the rain and wind, so my makeup was basicly gone, and my perfectly straight hair was curling and frizzy. This of corse is not how i would like to be remembered, or shown off. Unfortunatly with only two days untill christmas, i really had no other option. So, I first attempted to edit my blemishes on, but unless you pay like 20 dollars a month, all it does is blur the spot, witch works for one or two spots, but not for the entire face. I then tried the program paint. It was easy to match the color correctly with a feature it comes with, but the result looked too much like a painting, plus i couldnt get the eye makeup right. So i finaly turned to google. typing in " free online photo editor (makeup)" came up with a makeover website. I clicked it, to see what it was, adn the intention was to upload a picture of yourself with your hair tied back and give yourself a complete makeover, hair and all. Instead, i uploaded my crappy picture, adjusted it to my face and just used the makeup portion. It worked amazingly well as i was able to match my signature green eyeshadow, the only downside was the foundation didnt match exactly, but like he is going to notice. Of corse the picture is still not the best, but at least its alittle better. And the best part is, no one needs to know it was eddited. except the people i showed off my amazing work to (;. SECRET LIFE COMES BACK JANUARY 4TH!!! me and "m" have this on going "argument" about the show on abc family "secret life of the american teenager" I like it because it shows (as the title states) the secret lives of many teenagers. it also, although all the charecters tie together, shows different types of people, so its not like the whole show is about teenage pregnancy. Its about how all different kinds of people deal with it as part of ther complicated lives. emm argues that it is "bad acting about fake teen pregnancy" I however feel it has the same purpose as this blog, even though the story line is a bit different. She however prefers "glee" witch i havent seen, but from what ive heard it sounds like a bunch of band geeks. Not that there is anything wrong with that, and it idealy has the same idea as secret life, to explain a spesific groups of teenage lives. like i said, i've yet to see it, but secret life is still a good show. One thing i think we can agree on though, is the show "ten things i hate about you". Its kindof like a cross between the two shows. Like if it were in one of those overlaping circle chart things, it would be in the middle. Well, bye for now

<3 Bee

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