Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ohsorry,hi, thankyou!

As "m" has already introduced this blog, i dont think it is neccessary for me to do the same. I must warn you im not the best speller or typer, as i can easily turn a word such as "fish" into a mess like "gfheifjidhdisfdf". That being said i will jump right to the adventure of my day. I (being a naturally shy person) dont talk much, especialy because the few people i know at my new school i havent seen or spoken to since elementry school. i often give myself "a pat on the back" as they say in kindergarten for talking to new people.

note to reader: now that i am in high school, i frequently feel more and more like an elementry school student. More so then i did when actualy attending elementry school.

Any way, it takes a verry long time for me to think of something to say, make sure its not stupid, and then repeat it over and over in my head untill i finaly get the guts to say it, so when someone starts conversation with me, it really catches me off guard. Today for example, "prety perfect i -get-every-thing-i-want girl said "hey your bag is soo cute." now, i get lots of complaments on my bag, and other things, mostly because i supposedly look like this girl and people mistake me for her often, but i was expecting her to say "excuse me" because i was blocking her locker. So, i was not only cought off guard by her talking to me, but also by her unexpectedly complementing me instead of telling me to move. My immediate resopnce was "oh sorry, hi thank you!" she just ignored my comment witch was fallowed by a little laugh to try to get myself out of that awkward situation, and turned back into her locker. i stood there for a minute, trying to comprehend what type of jumbled mess just came out of my mouth, hoping she would say something so i could try to atleast explain myself. no such luck. relizing my humiliating mistake,i kicked my self (not litteraly) and fallowed "m" towards our homerooms.

The rest of the day was half way normal. well actually, i take that back. there is no "normal" day at school, but the rest was uneventful, and will be saved for another bit of blogging. So for now, i am off to continue kicking myself for my mistake, think about doing my homework, and try not to forget my tilly (my dog)

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