Thursday, December 17, 2009

flying frenchfries, shots, and rain drops

Have you ever had one of those days where you get a song stuck in your head that you havent hard in years? welcome to the sory of today. "RAIN DROPS ARE FALLING ON MY HEAD *CLAP CLAP*" even ask emm, i've been singing it all day. More importantly though, today my life was a verry awakward school lunch. One of those girls who thinks shes all that and a bag of chips (or in this case a french fry) but no one likes her, not even the rejects, was sitting at our lunch table. Automaticly this becomes an awakward situation because as i previously stated, no one likes her. So a friend of ours was talking about something i wasnt really listening to untill i heard " throw it behind you and make a wish". She was obviously kidding but miss even-the-misfits-cant-stand-me took it literaly. Out of no where a badly aimed french fry goes flying behind her onto the table of the upperclassmen behind her. How stupid can you be. I mean seriosly, to actualy make a wish on a french fry in the first place is the stupidest thing ive ever heard, but to throw it at a table of upperclassmen is just rediculous. Now you know why no one likes her.

So after school i had a docters appointment in witch my mom assured me would not contain any shots. NONE! of corse, i walk in only to hear from my step mother i have to get my secound gardasil shot and maybe the swine flu. I walk into the room with an elephant-giraafe-tiger- border as the first nurse gives me attitude. Then, she told me to pee in a cup, and rather than take the cup from me, she gave it a discusted look and told me to put it on the counter. I understand people being grossed out by touching pee, but it's her job. Plus shes not touching the pee shes touching the cup and she has to stick the PH test strip in it anyway. So i purposley put the cup on her sticky notes so she would have to move it :P. i know, im such a little demon (:. So then my 'nurse practition' comes in and asks all the usual question : "do you or have you ever used drugs alchohal or tabacoo? are you sexualy active? hows life at home?" then, she breaks the knews. I'm due for 6 shots. yes you heard correctly 6! Luckly the maximum i can take at once is 4. And even more luckily, the 5th was avalible in a nasal, therefore i could still take it and four shots, but since i have asthma i half to get the shot version witch they are out of and might not get more of untill next flu season or else i could hae an asthma attack. Unfortunatly i have to get three more shots in four months. Then to top it all off, i didnt even see my actual doctor, witch i didnt care about, but my mom had a fit becase she specificly requested i see him and was promised it couild be arranged. This appointment should hav been last week but his flight got delayed from his 'buisness trip' so they posponed it, and I still didnt see him. Owell. I wonder what will be on the menu for tomorow. Oh and i almost forgot. for an english project i cannot text or communicate in anyway other than the telephone. that means no blogging. Im sure that wont be too much of an issue concidering no one reads this (its mainly just so in 76 years we can look back on our high school lives) but i dont know when i will be back, it depends how long i can last living "the old fashioned way." what has the world come to. Well, untill i crack on this project, goodbye! i hope emm covers all my stories while im gone!! bye!

<3 beee

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