Friday, December 18, 2009

Drug sniffing dogs, wrapping Christmas presents, and parents.

Hello readers, if anyone does read this blog. "B" has broken the rule for her extra credit and is blogging! Actually that was a false statement, she has a high grade in that class and there is no need for her to do extra credit. Anyway today was very much like a normal day if your daily routeen includes going to school testing food for lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and sugars, and watching the police department give a demonstration on drug sniffing dogs. I think this is essential because most of high school students in our area do drugs. This test probably won't scare them but it will maybe make them think twice and head in the right direction towards getting help. This is just my outlook on it but I'm an optimist. The dog they used for this test was the most adorable German Shepard I have ever seen but it was slipping on the floor. I thought the school only waxed the gym floors about once or twice a year but I guess I am mistaken because this pup was trying to get up and start running, but struggled to get going. We were all in need of a good laugh at the end of the week.

I went Christmas shopping last night! I'm sure the mall was filled to the brim with people but unlike everyone else I went to F.Y.E and Joann fabrics. I decided to get a little creative this year and make people things. Of course I still have those friends who tell you exactly what they want but this gave me an opportunity for those who are undecided on what they would like to receive or take a long time and ponder. I decided to make blankets. I volunteer for the CYC and our last project was to make blankets for parents in poverty who can't afford to buy much for their kids for Christmas. I quickly learned how to make a blanket from two pieces of fleece. What I got "B" for Christmas remains a mystery to her, but lets just say she will have many good hair days after Christmas day. I don't care what everyone else says I want a Snuggie. Yes they are a inside out bathrobe and yes they are twenty dollars but doesn't everyone want to look like the people on the commercial? Even better yet now there is a Snuggie for your dog!!! Matching with your dog there is no other gift quite like the Snuggie. Plus they are warm and keep your arms free and also snug. And for a bonus it comes with a free book light! WOOH. Words cannot describe how badly I would like one of these.

Lastly is chores. Don't you hate it when it's the end of the week and all you want to do is relax and enjoy a few spare moments of time before the work begins again and then all of a sudden it returns out of nowhere. Well my parents and I have agreed if there are dirty dishes from an after school snack, that I should rinse them and put them in the dishwasher ( as long as the dishwasher is excepting dirty dishes). I come home today and accidentally leave dishes out. I went into the kitchen to play with my new puppy Rubie when all of a sudden I hear, "The dishwasher is excepting dirty dishes!" Ugh this can be very annoying. Well I'm off to wrap Christmas presents and talk to "B".

Buona Sera,

Love "M"

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