Friday, December 18, 2009

the things i put up with.

Alot of people may be farmiliar with the song "break your little heart" by all time low. its not really the nicest song, but its good. and i happen to like it. So, as i do with most songs i like, i had a few lines on my aim status message for a while "im gonna break your little heart , watch you take the fall, laughing all the way to the hospital, because thees nothing surgery cant do, when i break your little heart in two" Now, everyone who knows me knows i am very nice and would never dream of causing that kindof pain even to my worst enemy's. But of corse you cant have a song on your status unless its dedicated to someone. I cannot begin to tell you how many IM's ive gotten saying "your so mean" or even worse, from russ's friends saying "your a b**** how could you do that to him!?" yep. thats what i get for liking a song.

ok so here is a quote emm sent me that has officilat made my life "Today, I walked into Old Navy to buy myself a pair of jingle jammies. Save yourself the embarrassment: don't shake the jammies in the middle of the store to hear the jingling, because these jammies do not jingle. You'll just look like an idiot. FML" oh yes. i love life for this person. This quote is from the website we did not write this.

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