Friday, December 18, 2009

sex, drugs, and alcohal=highschool

Did you ever wonder why highschool isn't really like t.v? Thats because it's illegal to show half of the things that actualy happen. If you only knew. Of corse theres just as much drama, if not more, but its much more vapid in real life. Today for example, there was some type of fight right before fourth period. i dont know what happened but it was just breaking up when i got to my math class, the scene of the crime. I did get to see the huge blood stain though. i wonder if emm knows what happened. So then later there was another threat to pull the alarm, but it didnt happen (thank gosh). Then finaly we had an assembaly in the gym to watch this pathetic drug dog slip on the newley waxed floor while the other dogs searched the lockers for drugs. It was pretty pointles though because everyone knew ahead of time so they all had time to clean out there lockers. Duh! people are stupid. i'm not afraid to say it either. people. are. stupid. not everyone, but most. Oh yeah, so i didnt have to do my extra credit assignment because i have a 98 in that class. giving up all forms of communication was not really worth the to points. big deal its not a perfect 100, but atleast i have a life. its not like i am failing. Right now i am blairing taylor swift while my step-mom is sitting next to me with ear plugs in so she can pay her bills. "AND I COULD TELL YOU, HIS FAVORITE COLORS GREEN, HE LOVES TO ARGUE, BORN ON THE 17TH HIS SISTER'S BEAUTIFUL, HE'S GOT HIS FATHERS EYES, AND IF YOU ASKED ME IF I LOVED HIM, ID LIE." actualy, this sog would be perfect if it was changed to "and i could tell you, his favorite colors green, he loves to argue, born on halloween, his sisters beautiful, hes got his mothers eyes and if you asked me if i loved him, id lie" other than that the entire song is true. oh and by the way that is "i'd lie" by taylor swift. well thats your music lesson for the day.



  1. Nice post. I want to not comment on our own blog lol. But that is a cool song. But I think The Maine is WAYYYYYYY BETTER!

  2. no taylor swift wins. and yes wouldnt it be great if other people read this? And i most certainly know what my christmas present is thank you.
