Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Card is Upside down, and walking in Antarctica

Today "B" and I went to the mall. Filled with people spending gift cards and returning unwanted Christmas presents. Today was most likely the coldest day of the year here and there are only 3 days left of this year. The temperature was probably bearable but the wind swirling around and practically knocking people over was the worst. If you stepped outside today a gust of wind was likely to hit you and suffocate you. I received two gift cards for Christmas to the mall. I went to use one today and it went horribly wrong. I think the cashier knew I did not have much experience with credit cards because I swiped the gift card upside down. Then I had to sign in the impossible signature screen that makes everyone's attempt at signing their name look like a two year old's drawing from art class. Then, not being very Eco-friendly, I asked for a bag for my earrings that drowned in the huge bag the cashier gave to me. Even he made a comment on this, "Big 'ol bag for those little earrings." Being socially awkward and shy I said yeah, and laughed. But you know what buddy? I recycle, this bag will be used for other purposes and it will not end up in the garbage anytime soon. "B" was wearing her dad's sweater today with leggings; not the smartest idea for today. She actually received a compliment on it from a salesperson in American Eagle. We also took my 4 month old puppy for a walk today while most people were enjoying the warmth of their home sitting on the couch. This is what we do; we are crazy and drink slush puppies in the winter. All bundled up quite like Randy from "A Christmas Story", we walked down the street. The walk however was interrupted by complaints the whole way through from "B". She said as follows, "I hate the cold, its freezing, can we hurry up dog?" But we live in New England what are you to expect but cold winters? We cut the walk short because of the cold weather and the fact that we might get pneumonia. As my mom says, "Are your trying to catch pneumonia?" I guess we were today.

That is all

Buona Sera,

Love "M"

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